22. Kath's Decision

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I should have known.

Really, she should have.

All along, it had been too good to be true.  

The miscommunication working out, learning that Piotr shared her feelings, the first date...

All too good to be true.

Following the incident at the pub, Kath knew she had a problem that seriously needed fixing - she needed fixing. 

"What can I do for you, Kath?" The professor asked when she knocked on his office door. 

"Hi Professor. May I sit?"

"Of course." He gestured to one of the two open chairs before his desk.

She silently sat down. 

"I am sensing you're in quite a bit of distress," he noted.  "Even without my powers."

She nodded, then proceeded to tell him about the two recent incidents during training and at the pub. The two incidents were so close together, happened one after the other, that it almost felt like a sign. 

"Trying to gain control and connection with your powers can be very difficult," he sympathized. 

"Yeah, and now it's leading me to hurting people I care about..."

"And that makes it all the more difficult."


He sat patiently, waiting for her to continue.

"I'd like to get in contact with my dad."

The professor shifted in his chair. 

"I don't doubt you or your methods, Professor, but I think I need to work with someone who knows my powers."

"I understand." He nodded. "But I must say, are you sure that's the best idea right now?"

She knew what he meant, what he was referring to: the last time any of them had seen Erik, when he had totally blown up at Daniela after her reveal of the big pregnancy news.

"I know, and I'm still really upset about that, but I need help, serious help, and I think this is my best option - that he  is my best option." 

"What about your sister?" the professor asked. "I'm not dismissing what you said, just taking a look at all of your options, as I feel you should do as well."

Kath nodded. "Yeah, I thought about that too. But I don't know if Lorna would, and she's even more elusive than Dad. I don't know, for some reason I just feel comfortable asking Dad for help in this."

"Well, he is your father."

"Yeah, but-"

"Yes, I understand," he agreed gently. Erik Lehnsherr was a complicated guy, there was no question about that. 

"So I guess what I'm asking is can you contact him? I know he doesn't like it when you get into his head, but it's not like I can just phone the guy."

The professor chuckled.  "No, that's true. And yes, he does dislike that, but I think if it's for you, his daughter, he'll understand."

"So you'll do it?"

"I will if you would like me to. And if you're sure."

"I'm sure. At least to initially see - I'll talk to him about it, see what he says, what his approach will be, and then see what I decide."

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