10. Mutants at the Mall

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"We're going to ze mall!"

The Maximoff siblings jumped when Kurt suddenly appeared before them in the kitchen.

"Weren't you just at the mall, Kurt?" said Wanda.

"Ja, but Scott and I have a bet going for who can score ze most points in ze arcade, zo..." Kurt wrung his hands.  "I've been practicing."

"I'll go as long as Peter promises not to get into anymore trouble with mall security," said Kath.

"That was totally not my fault."

"I'd love to hit the mall!" Daniela was in.  "I'll go get Warren."

"I already asked him, he didn't seem interested," said Kurt.

"You asked him? Aww, you're getting over your fear of him!"

Kurt wrung his hands tighter. "He still scares me."

"I'll go talk to him."

Soon both sets of Maximoff twins, Ellie and Yukio, Jean and Scott, Kurt, Warren, Storm, and Jubilee were gathered and ready to head off to the mall.

"You should go invite Piotr, Kath," Wanda suggested.

"Oh, yes!" agreed Daniela.

"Um, well I don't see why not. You go ahead, I'll catch up."

She didn't need to look far, and found him reading in the library.

"Hi Piotr."

"Ah, hello Kath."

"A bunch of us are going to the mall, would you like to join us?"

He hesitated, and she knew what he was thinking: while most of the group's mutations were not visible, his was very noticeable. "Thank you, Kath, that's very kind of you to think of me, but I don't know."

"If it makes you feel any better, I think Daniela convinced Warren not to stuff his wings into a jacket."

He chuckled a little. "Thank you, but I think I'll pass this time.  Besides, the mall isn't really my place."

"Not really mine either.  I'd rather stay here and read in the library too..." That gave her an idea.  "Actually, could I join you?"

"Of course."

"Instead of us all going out and you staying here all on your own."

"I would love some company."

"Okay, I'll be right back." With that, she dashed out to the front of the mansion where the group waited. 

"So, is he coming?" Daniela asked.

"No, and neither am I. We're going to stay here."


"Yeah." Kath didn't miss the sparkle in her sister's eye.

"Alright, suit yourselves."

"Have fun - and keep Peter out of trouble!"



It was incredibly empowering arriving at a public place together, facing everyone's stares together and not backing down. Just a group of mutants living their lives.

"Mutants at the mall," sang Peter.

Daniela dragged Warren to the photo booth where they took a series of photos she could put up in her room. The entire group tried to squeeze themselves into the booth for a group photo, but it didn't really work.

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