8. Lunch With Dad

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Perhaps Lorna's mentioning of him had jinxed it.

"Family reunion or what," scoffed Peter.

It had started out being once every month, and now it had moved up to once every week. Thursday was the chosen day. Every Thursday Dad would take them out for lunch, some father-children bonding time.

However, the last few weeks had not seen this happen, as Dad had been away on 'official business', which was probably as sketchy as it sounded. But the evening before, he had called to say that he was available to start their meetings again this week ('I hope this isn't too short of notice') and so it was set.

Pete, Wan, and Yela thought this once-a-week thing was a little excessive (the same thing they had said to the once-a-month) and Kath would remind them that most kids saw their father every day, to which they would reply with most fathers weren't radical-mutant-activist-criminals. Their family was complicated, to say the least. All separated, different last names, radical eldest sister, radical dad, not to mention the various mutant powers.

Dad would pick them up at the mansion at noon. He was always early, at least fifteen minutes. He was so eager. Kath thought it was sweet. The others thought it was pathetic.

Wanda and Kath were just finishing getting ready, Erik waiting downstairs for them, while Peter still had not appeared. Neither had Daniela.

"Where's Yela?" Kath asked.

"Where do you think?" replied Wanda. "With her boyfriend."



"She spent the night in his dorm again?"

"Yeah." Wanda flashed a wicked grin. "Poor Kurt."

"Wanda!" Kath swatted at her.

"What?! You were thinking it too!"

"Was not!"

"Besides, it's not like it's a secret!"

Kath did not need or want that image. And, well, she wasn't about to go bother them. So instead, she went to go check on their still MIA brother.

"Come in."

"Peter!" she cried when she saw him still in bed in his pyjamas, which were his underwear. "Dad's here!"

"It's not noon yet."

"He's always early, you know that. Put it this way, the sooner we leave, the sooner it will be over. Now get up."

Peter shrieked when she grabbed his quilt and yanked it off him. Then he zipped past her into the bathroom and out again a few seconds later all dressed. "See, all ready." He shrugged, hands in his pockets, and put on his giant headphones.

"Good, now you can go retrieve Daniela from Warren and Kurt's room."

"Oh, hell no. I'm not doing that!"

It was time to go, and everyone had assembled down in the entrance hall - everyone except for Daniela.  Of course. 

Kath was the unlucky one sent to go retrieve her twin.  When she knocked on the boys' dorm, she was greeted by Warren opening the door in nothing but his boxers.

Wow. Yup, that was pretty self-explanatory. Fantastic.

She crossed her arms.  "Is Daniela there?"

"Yeah, she's here. You ready to go, Babe?" Warren turned to call over his shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess." Daniela called from within the room, sounding as though she dreaded what was to come.  "Give me a minute."

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