18. A Situation

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"Well, that was awkward," Warren declared as they left the Professor's office.

"Yeah, tell me about it. But at least he's on our side," Daniela said as they headed to the kitchen.

"He's right though, what about your Dad?"

"To be completely honest I totally forgot about that. I don't know, I don't really want to think about it..."

"What happened?" Kath asked them when they entered the kitchen.

"We just had the sex talk with the Professor."


"Isn't it kinda late for that now?" piped up Peter, who was making himself a sandwich while still chewing the last of his first one. "Doesn't that defeat the purpose?"

"Peter," warned Kath.

"Yeah, does he ever shut up?" said Warren, feathers ruffling in annoyance.

"Just ignore him, that's what I do." Daniela rolled her eyes.

Peter shrugged.  "I'm just saying."

"Well, it was sort of a sex talk. He talked to us about our situation now that I'm pregnant-"

"He knows?"

"Yeah. He said he could sense the baby before I even knew I was pregnant."

"Weird." Peter scrunched up his nose.

"World's most powerful telepath is right."

"Um, perhaps I will leave - this is obviously a personal matter..." The deep, booming voice of Piotr reminded them that while they all knew the context of the situation, he did not.  He was blushing.

"Oh, sorry Piotr-" Kath shot a glance towards her sister. She wasn't sure who Daniela and Warren wanted to share their news with yet.

"It's fine," Daniela assured her.  "Warren and I are having a baby, Piotr. It's very new, so not many people outside the family know."

"Oh, well my congratulations to you both - I think?" He quickly added.

The couple shared a smile. "Yes, thank you. All is well."

"Good. My congratulations then."

"Thanks man," said Warren.

"Where's Wanda?" asked Kath.

"Hospital." Now Peter was eating an apple, his second sandwich gone, the only evidence of there ever having been one being some crumbs on his jacket.

"Again?" said Warren.  "Wasn't she just there."

"Yes, but she's visiting Carol, her crush," Daniela explained.  "Carol might start up at the school."

"What school? This school?" said Peter.

"Yes, dumbass. This school."

"Well, you could have been more specific."

"She's mutant?" Warren asked.

"Yes, but her powers just started to manifest.  It's sad, she said she and her parents don't get along, it sounds like she has a pretty rough home life."

"Crappy family life? Well, she can join the club here - OW!" Peter cried when Kath smacked him not-so-lightly on the arm.

"Pietro Maximoff!"

"Hey! No using my real name!"

"Then don't say stuff like that!" she scolded.  "And certainly don't joke about it!"

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