23. It's Time!

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Eight Months Later...

The baby crib lay in various pieces on the floor, a confused Warren and a very pregnant and equally-confused Daniela standing before the various pieces.

"So this is somehow supposed to become our baby's bed?" said Warren.

"Yeah, I guess so."

Warren sighed.  "Well then, I guess we'd better get started-"

There was a swish! and in seconds, the crib stood assembled before them, a proud Peter standing beside it. 

The crib stood still for barely a moment before crumbling to the floor in a mess of pieces. 

"My child is not sleeping in that!" Daniela cried, staring in horror at the pile of crib. 

"Yeah, neither would I," Peter admitted.

"Yeah, yeah we can do this," said Warren, looking at the scattering of pieces on the floor, now even more messy than before.  "We've got this. We just need the instructions-" He reached into the box and withdrew said instruction manual - but his face fell.  "Uh, these are in Spanish..." He flipped them over - nothing.  Then he looked inside the box again - nothing, it was empty.  "Uh, does anyone here know Spanish?"

"Any Polish instructions?" Daniela asked half-heartedly.

"Afraid not, only Spanish." 

"Ugh," she groaned.  

"Don't worry, Babe. I know this is a mess but we'll get it, we'll figure it out."

"No Warren - oh oh! Oh God!"

"Daniela?" Warren dropped the instructions and rushed to her side.

"I think - I-I think my water just broke-"

"Holy shit -"


"Ah, it's okay, Yela, let's get to the hospital." Warren looked to her brother.  "Uh, Peter, a little help here."

"Sure thing, man. Here, I'll take you-" Peter stepped towards her, ready to rush her off to the hospital. He took her arm.

"Don't you dare!" she screeched as he was putting on his goggles.  "I  already feel like I'm about to puke! Kurt! KURT!"

Poof! "Daniela, vhat is it? I could hear you yelling all the way from downstairs - oh my God! Oh my God! It's happening! It's happening!"

"Yes, it's happening! I need the hospital - NOW!"

"Right away, of course!" He grabbed her hand, then Warren's.  "Uh, who else?"

"Just take us and come back for the others!"

"Oh, okay!"

"Kurt, RIGHT NOW!"

"Ja!"  In a flash - literally - they were at the hospital. There was a swish beside them and Peter joined them before the reception desk.

"My girlfriend's having our baby!" Warren cried to the woman at the desk.

She looked up from the papers she was reading.  "So I see." 

There was a moment of confused silence.  "So, uh, can you help us?" Warren said.  "What do we do?"

"Find another hospital."

"Excuse me?"

"We don't serve you here." She nodded to him, meaning his wings.

Peter scoffed.  "You're kidding me, right?"

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