24. Welcome!

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Moments later the room was filled with a baby's wails.

"It's a girl! It's a girl! You have a little girl!" Dr. Winston announced.

Gasps filled the room as he wrapped the baby up in a blanket and placed her in a stunned Daniela's awaiting arms. Both she and Warren stared down at her, the baby, speechless.

Their baby girl had blonde hair and bright blue eyes like her father, and her mother's warm, deep olive skin. 

"This is our baby," Daniela finally said.

"This is our baby," Warren agreed. 

Both stared down at the little babbling bundle in Daneila's arms. 

"She's really ours," Daniela breathed.

"Yes, she really is.  And I love you both, so much." 

Daniela looked from her newborn daughter to her boyfriend.  "Me too. I love you both. So much." They shared a long, teary-eyed, affectionate look.

There was a moment of silence before they looked up at the happy gathering surrounding them. "Uh, could we maybe, like, you know, have a moment, please?"

"Oh, yeah, of course, we'll get out of here. Come on everyone." Kath waved for the others to follow her out of the room.


"Congratulations you two!"

"So happy for you!"

There was a chorus of congratulatory messages from the group as they filed out of the room one by one,  leaving Daniela, Warren, and their new daughter, their family, together for the first time. 

"That was the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed," Warren told her once the group was gone.

Daniela scoffed.  "Oh, come on, it was a mess." She brushed some of the messy hair out of her face as though for emphasis. 

"No, I'm serious," he assured her. "That was amazing. I'm sorry it had to hurt so much, though."

"I did hurt, a lot," she agreed, but looked down at their daughter. Their daughter!  She could hardly believe it! "But she's definitely worth it all." She leaned against him.  "My two angels." 

Out in the hall, the others were just as excited. 

"We're aunties!" Wanda cried, grasping Kath and Lorna's hands.

"Congrats," Carol said, giving her girlfriend a hug. 

"Thanks! This is so exciting!"

"It is," Kath agreed. 

A little while later, after spending some time alone with their new daughter, Warren peeked his head out of the room and called the others back in.  "We'd like to officially introduce you all to our daughter - we've chosen her name."

"Oh, really?" The others excitedly came back into the room.

Warren took his place sitting next to Daniela's bed, she holding their baby in her arms.

She was smiling widely.  "Everyone, we'd like you to meet our daughter: Katherine Magda Worthington. After our moms." 

"Aww, that's so sweet!"

"Aww it's perfect!"

"Yeah. We can call her 'Katy' for short." Daniela turned to the professor.  "Professor, we were wondering if you could read her mind and see if you can tell what her mutant powers will be."

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