9. Family

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"So, how's Warren settling in?" Wanda asked during an evening sibling study session in the library.  It had been a week since Warren's unexpected and sudden arrival at the mansion,  a few days since the disastrous lunch with Dad. Better luck next week - now Kath was the one really dreading it. 

"Good.  It's a big change, but he seems to be adjusting." Daniela nodded.  "I'm just glad he's finally here, and not out on the streets anymore. I was always so worried about him, so I'm glad to have him here now."

"We know  you are."

"Yeah, I bet he's doing pretty well having you here to help him settle in," chuckled Peter, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Eww, will you two stop with the sexual references already," cried Kath to the younger twins.

"They can say what they like, I don't care," said Daniela as Pete and Wan shared a mischievous grin.  "I think you're just jealous that I'm getting all the action and you're not." She poked her tongue out at the younger twins.

"Um, thanks.  And that's not what I meant, at all."

"Oh, come on, Kath. You know you could be getting some action if you just talked to Piotr." Daniela gave her a wink and suggestive nudge.

"I don't want to sleep with him, Daniela."

"Well, she does, but she wants the full relationship and everything too," Peter said.

"And what's wrong with that?" Kath asked defensively.

"Nothing, I'm just saying it cause you won't, for some strange reason."

"Yeah, there's no use denying it, Kath."

"I'm not denying anything.  Stay out of my love life, please."

"Love life? What love life? You mean 'lack of'."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kath demanded to her twin.

"Well, Kath, it's no secret that you're still a virgin... And have you ever even kissed anyone?"

"And since when is that a bad thing?" Kath didn't understand how this conversation had so suddenly seemed to turn into an attack on her.

"It's not. But it's also not a secret that you have the hots for Piotr, so you could totally do something about both.  And you should."

"I'm very done with this conversation." Kath stood abruptly, gathering her books and turning to leave.

"Aww, she's blushing," chuckled Peter.

"Just shut up, will you!"

Her siblings' laughter followed her out of the library.

It felt like they were ganging up on her, mocking her, no one on her side. So what about her love life or lack thereof? Why did they care? What did they care?

Her whole body was flaming, both with hurt and embarrassment, and with anger.

"Hello, Kath."

"Ah!" She jumped and spun around to face none other than Piotr himself.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Oh, no, that's okay." We were just talking about you.

"Are you alright? You seem a little upset."

"Oh, yeah..." Now she was blushing furiously.  "Just the siblings being annoying. Such menaces sometimes. But it's okay, I'm used to it, or at least should be by now. You have a sister, right?" she asked, eager to change the subject.

He smiled.  "Da, Illyana, my younger sister.  She is back home in Russia with our parents."

"You miss them a lot, don't you."

"Very much, yes. I've wanted to bring them over here, but I don't know... It's getting so dangerous for mutants. Not that it's much better over there, or anywhere for that matter."

Kath nodded. "I understand. And I'm sure they understand, too."

He smiled his thanks.  "Maybe one day.  I would love for you to meet them, and for them to meet you, to meet everyone."

She smiled back.  "Yeah, that would be nice."

Hearing him speak of his family so fondly made her momentarily forget her anger at her own family. 


Later, there was a knock at Kath's bedroom door, where she was trying to finish the homework she hadn't been able to finish earlier with her siblings, a George Michael record playing in the background.

"Who is it?"

"Me," came Wanda's soft voice.  "May I come in?"


Her red-clad sister peeked in and smiled.  "We started to wonder when you didn't come back to the library." Her smile fell some. "I hope you weren't too upset."

"I was - still am - a bit hurt."

"Oh, Kath, I'm sorry.  We were just teasing. Maybe we took it a little too far..."

"Yeah, it's okay. You and Peter were okay, it's just Daniela..."

Wanda nodded and came to sit at the edge of Kath's bed.   "I know.  I think she's just excited about her relationship with Warren-"

"You think?"

Wanda chuckled.  "And having him here at the school.  And she's just eager to share that excitement with anyone and everyone who will listen."

"Yeah, but I really don't need any of the details."

Wanda laughed again. "I really do think you should talk to Piotr. Who knows what could happen?"

Kath sighed. "Exactly.  When I'm around him I'm all flustered, at least that's how it feels, not sure if that comes across.  And when I'm anxious, I lose control, and with him being all metal, I-" She trailed off.

She didn't need to continue though, Wanda understood.  She reached out and placed a comforting hand over her older sister's.  "I know."

"That obvious, huh?"

"Yeah, and I didn't need my powers to know that. I would still talk to him. It's obvious that you both care for each other, are good friends.  Who knows..." She grinned, raising her eyebrows.  

Kath smiled.  "Yeah, I want to..." She always envied her twin's confidence and outgoing nature, and the way Daniela didn't seem to care when being teased, or what other people thought about her.  "Thanks, Wanda."

"Anytime.  Good night Sis, see you tomorrow."

"Good night."

With that, Wanda slipped from the room.

Kath shoved aside her homework - she wasn't going to get any more done tonight - and fell back against the pillows with a sigh, George still singing in the background.  

Recently, she'd noticed Ellie and Yukio holding hands, meaning  Ellie's going to talk to her had obviously gone well then. Whereas Kath still hadn't worked up the guts to talk to Piotr, uphold her end of the bargain. Sure, they had talked lots, just not about that.

She just wasn't ready - facing that meant facing her powers, and she wasn't sure when, if ever, she would be ready to face them. 

(Thank you so much for the 400+ reads and the comments! :) I've still got lots planned for this story - it will cover a number of years! And, haha, I was listening to George and Wham! while writing this, hence the reference ;)

Thank you so much for reading and, as always, I hope you enjoyed! :))

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