14. Warren's Story

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Peter was gonna kill that bird-boy.

He had slipped away while Kath and Wanda were tending to Daniela in the kitchen, making her some tea and trying to calm her down.

No one just abandoned his sister like that. No one. Especially not the boy she loved.

It didn't take Peter long to track Warren down - he just followed the confused people to where the leather-clad, angel-winged mutant was wandering the streets of New York, pacing, one hand jammed in his pocket, the other tearing through his hair. He looked conflicted, to say the least.

Peter knew Daniela would in turn kill him if she knew he was currently stalking her boyfriend, stalking his prey, but the devastated look she had given him, Wanda, and Kath after Warren left - after he fled, ran away - said everything.

Peter had by now followed Warren undetected to Central Park. He watched the other boy dig in his pocket for some coins and then approach a flower stand.

Huh, perhaps this was promising...

Warren picked out a lovely bouquet of pink and orange flowers. Well, he knew Daniela's favourite colour obviously, not that it was much of a mystery, as she always wore at least something orange.

But Peter became puzzled when Warren continued on, now walking with purpose, in the opposite direction of the way to the mansion, fresh bouquet in-hand. Peter continued to follow close behind, curious now and wanting to get to the bottom of this.

He followed Warren all the way to the Central Cemetery.  What the hell was he doing here?

Warren waltzed right through the gates and through the lines of graves - he seemed to know where he was going.

He stopped before a grave. Peter squinted to read the name. The letters were bold - the gravestone didn't appear to be very old.

Kathryn Worthington

Warren bowed his head, curls falling into his face. "Hi, Mom."

Now Peter felt awful - what was he doing? He had to get out of here.

Warren knelt before the grave, brushing some grass aside. The gravesite looked well-kept, which probably meant his father had been here recently. Warren cringed at the thought but then turned back to thoughts of his mother. "I'm sorry, I know it's been way too long since I visited last. Lots has happened lately, lots has changed..." He sat down cross-legged before the gravestone, laying the flowers down before it and brushing the hair out of his eyes - if his mother were here now, she would have brushed it away for him. They had shared the same golden curls.

He launched into telling her everything:  Daniela always coming to support him during the cage-fights, him starting school at the mansion, his new friends, his new life.  And Daniela, he told her all about his fiery - no pun intended - girl.   

And, of course, about the major news she had just given him. 

"And now I'm gonna the a dad and I'm so nervous - but an excited nervous... I really wish you were here, you'd know exactly what to do." This would all be easier if she were here now.  "You'd love Daniela, Mom. She's so confident and sure of herself, and kind and caring and supportive, to everyone, just like you always were. You two would get along well, I know it. I love her. I love her.  I love  her... God, it's been so long since I've said that. I love her..." He found himself beaming. 

He paused before wrapping his arms around the gravestone. "Thanks, Mom. I love you."

He grabbed an orange flower from the bunch before flying off - he had to get back to the mansion.

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