15. More Surprises

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"Good morning everyone!" A very-smiley Daniela greeted her siblings the next morning upon entering the kitchen, Warren in tow, looking equally happy.

"Good morning," Kath answered.  "You both seem in good spirits."

"We are!" The couple shared a long, loving look. "We have a full day planned," Daniela explained.   "We're going baby shopping!" 

"You've only been pregnant for like a day," Peter reminded her.

"We're eager to get started. I made a list and everything.  We probably won't buy anything quite yet, but just look around to get an idea of what's out there, our options."

"Good to be prepared," agreed Kath.

"Thank you!"

"Where are you going shopping?" Wanda asked. 

"The mall."

"Oh, can I come with you? I mean, head over with you, then go off to do my own thing?" She was certain this was one of the days during Carol's schedule where she had a longer break. 



"You can help us go over the list on the way."

They ate breakfast together before Wanda, Daniela, and Warren headed out. 

"I'm glad they sorted things out," said Kath.

"Yeah, me too," agreed Peter.  Looked like he wasn't going to have to deal with bird-boy after all. 

Saying this reminded Kath about her own 'romantic' situation that she had yet to sort out.


When the trio arrived at the mall, Daniela and Warren headed to one end to the department store, while Wanda headed in the opposite direction to the far end, where the movie theatre was.  

"Take your time, we can meet back home," Wanda told them. "No rush."

"Okay, have fun!"

"Thanks, you too.  Good luck with the baby shopping."


However, when she arrived at the theatre, Wanda was greeted by a startling sight:

The doorway was blocked off, surrounded by security guards and fire fighters. From what she could see, the concession stand and lobby behind them was all burned up and destroyed.

What happened here?


Wanda rushed forward. A crowd of equally-confused guests had assembled before the barricaded doors.  

"Sorry folks, but the theatre is closed until further notice," one fireman announced. This received confused and frustrated muttering from the crowd.

"Excuse me, what happened?" Wanda asked one of the security guards.

"Strange random fire."

"Oh no! Was anyone hurt?"

"Some minor injuries.  One employee was caught up in it pretty bad though, poor girl."

Wanda gulped.  "Do you happen to know her name?"

"Her I.D. said Carol Danvers."

Wanda's stomach dropped. "Oh, oh no..."

"You know her?"

"Yeah, she's a, a - friend..."

"The ambulance took her to the hospital about half an hour ago. Not sure if she's allowed visitors yet, but you can try."

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