26. Love is Love

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"I recognized some of the guards.  I don't know how he found out, but it was him, I know it was. This is my fault."

"No, Warren."


"Warren, if you say that, then you're apologizing for being Katy's father, and that's nothing to apologize for. This is not your fault." 

Warren sighed, his shoulders drooped, looking down at their daughter and gently stroking her head with his thumb. 

"I feel like I've already failed as a parent," she murmured. 

"Oh Yela, me too."

"I mean, we literally put her in danger's hands."

"I know, but we had no reason to doubt a nurse here."


"I'm so sorry, Yela."

"You have nothing to apologize for." 

But he did.


Well, baby Katy had certainly had an eventful first few hours of her life, that was for sure! 

"Well, aren't you just the cutest little thing!" Deadpool was standing over Katherine who was in her mother's arms. Katy was staring wide-eyed back at the tall man in the red suit, barely blinking. 

"Who invited him?" Daniela whispered to Kath, who shrugged.

"I don't think he was invited..."

"I brought you a little something-" Wade held up a small stuffed unicorn.  "Just for you!"

With the family from the hospital now, they were throwing a baby shower at the mansion. All of the students were eager and excited to catch a glimpse of the newest member of the School for the Gifted family.

Since it was for the whole school, the party was large, taking place in the library and stretching out into the hall.  A WELCOME BABY KATHERINE!  banner had been hung above the archway of the library doors. 

"Okay, Daddy's turn!" Warren held out his arms.  Katherine babbled excitedly as Daniela handed her over to him. 

"He's so sweet with her," Daniela gushed, her heart swelling at the sight of the two. "My sweet little angels."

"I may have had my doubts about him in the beginning," Kath admitted.  "But those are all gone now."

"Good, I'm glad."

"Me too. I'm so happy for you, Yela."

"Thanks, Kath.  And listen, if you choose to go to Genosha with Dad that's your choice - and I support whatever choice you make."



Kath smiled.  "Thanks, Yela."

"Of course, Kath. What kind of sister would I be if I didn't support your decisions? Oh, I'll be right back-" She headed off.

Kath was confused by her sudden disappearance, until she saw Piotr making his way over to her.

"Hello, Kath," he said, giving her one of his kind, warm smiles. 

"Hello, Piotr."

"I don't believe I have gotten the chance yet to tell you congratulations about your new neice."

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