16. Love All Around

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"Well that was just really weird," Daniela remarked as they waited for the bus outside the mall. What on earth had her father and the professor been doing at the mall cafe together?

Suddenly, she felt Warren stiffen beside her, breaking her out of her thoughts. "What is it?"

"I just really hate that guy," he mumbled. The bus had arrived, the side of the bus plastered with a Worthington anti-mutant advertisement.

She wrapped an arm around him. "Me too."


Kath stood before Piotr's door, hesitating to knock. She had never been so nervous to talk to him before.

What was she going to say? She knew what she wanted to say, but was sure all her carefully thought-out words would surely turn to mush as soon as she faced him.

Which is exactly what happened. When she finally knocked and he opened the door, they stood silently staring at each other, and all that she had wanted to say slipped from her mind.

"Can I talk to you?" she finally said.


"Is this an okay time?"

"Da. You can come in." He opened the door fully to let her inside.  His dorm was neat and tidy, everything organized and with its own place. Not that she expected any different from him.

Piotr sat down on the edge of his bed while Kath remained standing.

"First of all, I wanted to say I'm sorry. I had no idea you felt that way."

"Then it is my fault. I was not so clear."

"Daniela kept going on and on about it, and that got on my nerves, and I just snapped at her, maybe said some things in the heat of the moment that I didn't quite mean..." Now Kath wrung her hands.  "I'm so sorry, Piotr."

"It's okay."

"But it's not.  Ugh, I'm just so nervous."

"Why, Kath?" he asked gently. Piotr, always gentle. The gentle giant. Her gentle giant crush. "Why are you nervous?"

"Because I'm scared I'll hurt you," she finally admitted, though it wasn't as much of a relief as she had hoped it would be, unfortunately. She had always known, deep down, that this was the reason. She had admitted it to herself long ago, but not to anyone else, and definitely not to him. But he should know, and it was about time.

She held up both hands and curled them into tight fists as if for emphasis. "You know that I don't have full or even partial control over my powers, and with you being all metal I just don't think that would be a good mix. And I feel so overwhelmed when I'm around you - in a good way - but it's moments like those where I tend to lose control - the little control I have."

"Oh, Kath. I'm sorry, I had no idea you felt this way."

"Don't be sorry. I was the one keeping it hidden." She sighed. "The truth is, I like you Piotr. A lot. I think I - I think I love you..."

Her words clearly shocked him.  "Really?"

"Yes.  You seem surprised."

"Da, I am.  I always hoped you would see me beyond my mutation..."

His words hurt - he thought she wouldn't like him because of his mutation.  She never knew him to be so self conscious.  "Oh Piotr, no, don't think like that. Of course I like you beyond your mutation.  How could I not?" Her words made him smile.  

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