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"Sick of all these people talking,
Sick of all this noise."

REGINA HAD NEVER BEEN ONE FOR DISCUSSIONS, OR TALKING FULL STOP. Quiet and well reserved, she preferred to always be in the background of things, watching atently for threats, and at times observing any social interaction, that happened to take place before her.

This was one of those times.

Having been born and raised in a time, when you should only speak when spoken to, she couldn't help but find her current situation rather odd.

Surrounding her, were a variety of different personalities, from different covens, who had all joined together under one roof. For one cause - the child they called Renesmee.

Though this was extremely rare, especially since the opposition was the Volturi, it was, however not impossible.

Yes, the Volturi were much more powerful than this collaboration the Cullens had created, but that didn't seem to faze them in the slightest.

In fact, it seemed to do quite the opposite. It had made them become more alert, and focused, and had given them a newfound strength of courage.

As a nomad, Regina travelled alone, and had only just reached Scotland, through her travels across Britain, when she received word from her old friend, Carlisle, asking for a favour.

Out of all the Cullens, Carlisle was the one she favoured the most.

He had saved her on multiple occasions, both throughout her mortal and immortal life, and that was a debt she would never be able to repay.

Not only that, but he was a close friend, an older brother figure to her. He was someone she knew she could trust, with anything, and not a word would be spoken about it.


A hand grasped her shoulder cautiously, and almost immediately brought her back to her senses.

Speaking of the devil, this hand belonged to no other than the very man she was thinking of -Carlisle.

His blonde hair swept across his brow, and his amber eyes flickered with concern, as he tilted his head to look down on Regina.

A black mop of natural curls was her hair, like a curtain, covering her face from view. Her head was facing the floor, which although it made her look like she was asleep, Carlisle knew that this was just her, deep in thought.

"Are you alright, love?" 

He already knew the answer to his question, but it didn't hurt to check.

She quickly brought her head up, and turned to look up at him. His eyes stared into her soul, and she flashed him a smile, though it was fake and both of them knew it.

With her power, of which she called 'charmspeak, she was able to convince Carlisle that she was fine, and that there was no need for his concern.

"I'm alright," She said, "Now please leave me be."

Her voice ricocheted around Carlisle's head, before he took a step backward, removing his hand from her tender shoulder, and blinking a couple of times.

He knew that he was going to say something, but he wasn't able to remember what he was going to say.

He glanced at her, sat on her own in the corner, but decided to leave her there, knowing that this wasn't the time to try and break her out of her shell.

He turned in order to find his wife, and left Regina on her own once again.

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