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"Already choking on my pride,
so there's no use crying about it"

AFTER THE INCIDENT, THE WEREWOLF WAS PUT IN A SILVER CAGE, UNTIL HE TURNED BACK INTO A HUMAN. She hadn't wanted to put Lloyd in there, and even protested against the idea, but she also knew that left alone, the werewolf could cause chaos in the castle walls, on the streets of Volterra and beyond.

Besides the silver cage, would not be enough to kill him, it would only be to contain him.

Sighing, she left her friend, to check up on her mate.


Carlisle has arrived, as had her mates, and they all rejoiced in seeing her actually outside the bedroom.

Carlisle had been told of her and her self-isolation, so after he had done all he could for Caius, he had given her a checkup.

Apart from anxiety, and depression, nothing more could be found, so she was told to stay close to her mates, and to fix whatever was happening between Caius and herself, before it broke both of them.

"You can come in now."

Carlisle said, as he opened the door for her, from the other side.

He smiled gently, and hugged her tight, before ushering her in, and closing the door behind her.


She looked at him, and what she had done to him. The bags under the eyes, the graying skin, the cracks that were starting to appear, that was all because of her, her selfishness, her doing.

She knew she was hurting, and was angry at him for what he had said to her, but she never meant for it to go this far.

She was a bad mate for even putting him in pain in the first place, but now that he was in the bed, suffering again because of her, she couldn't bear it.

If she could cry, she would be doing, because now she had neglected none of the most precious people to her, her mate.

"Are you alright, love?"
Caius's voice completely broke her from thoughts, and she released a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

She tore her glance from his broken form, to his face, where his eyes were almost obsidian pits.

They were beautiful, and she couldn't help but stare into them longingly.

His hand grasped hers, and she held it, holding on as if he was going to disappear.

"Mio Amoré," he said, in a voice that was soft and tender, "I'm so sorry. I know what I said was terribly wrong, I apologise. You're my mate, I will never do such a thing to you, again. Please forgive me."

There is was - her breaking point.

Although it started small, she started dry sobbing, but tried to hold it back.

"I forgive you," she cried out, and went to get up, so she could let it out in the solitude of her bedroom, but Caius grasped her waist.

She tried so desperately to go; Caius already had enough on his plate, he didn't need her problems as well.

But he was her mate, and regardless, he loved her, so he pulled her into his chest, and stroked her hair, as she let it out.

Through her sobbing she whispered how she too was sorry, but he just kissed her lips, and held her.

"It's okay, my love, it's okay."


But everything was not okay.

Yes, Carlisle has done his best, but once a werewolf scratches another creature they either turn into another werewolf, or die.

For Caius, it seemed to be the latter. His vampire venom, and Lloyd's werewolf's venom were battling, in a dangerous game of fate.

Without the cure, there was no way out for him.

He was dying, and he didn't need to be a doctor to know that.

But all he could do for now, was hang on for his mate.

Wow that one was quite dramatic, don't you think?

However fear not, the next chapter will be so cute.

You'll see what I mean, later.

Till then, have a nice day.

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