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Oh my gosh you guys, I was actually so worried to publish Chapter 20. I wasn't quite sure how you would take it.

"There's no use crying about it."

AN OVERWHELMING GUILT CAME OVER REGINA AS SHE RELIVED HER FATHER'S DEATH. She could've done, no she should've done something that would've saved them.

Both of her parents were gone, and she couldn't help but feel guilty because of it.

The only one who knew completely of her past was Lloyd, and so she knew she had to talk to him.


She opened her door and sprinted to Lloyd, who upon hearing a knock, opened it to find her.

He was quite surprised at first, as it was quite early in the morning, and then he remembered that vampires don't sleep.

He ruffled his bed-head hair, and still in his pjs closed the door behind them, and let her in.

"I'm sorry for barging in like that, it's just I can't get it out of my head."

He smiled at her, before holding her hands in his, and making her sit on the bed next to him.

"Hey, hey." he said, as he held her. "Don't worry about it."

He knew of her past, and he'd been with her, as she relieved her memories before, unable to escape them, or get revenge for her father at least.

Honestly, he'd never seen her as bad as today, but he could only assume that Caius's looming death could have triggered some memories that she liked to stay hidden.

He sighed, and held her for a while, letting her dry sob into his T-shirt, no tears ever escaping.

"Maybe you should talk to him about this?"

More than 50k reads guys, thank you so much!

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