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"And there's an old man sitting on the throne
That's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean"

OVER THE NEXT FEW WEEKS REGINA AND CAIUS HAD GROWN PRETTY CLOSE, TO THE POINT THAT THEY WERE PRACTICALLY INSEPARABLE. You would rarely see one without the other, and when Caius wasn't there, Alec and Jane were. They'd become the brother and sister that Regina never knew she wanted.

Aro and Marcus, however, although they were overjoyed that Regina had accepted Caius as a mate, couldn't help but be jealous of the bond that was between the two.

They'd waited over three weeks for the chance to introduce themselves to her, but alas she was too busy bonding with their brother.

And so they were determined to get her attention, one way or another.


Regina sprinted through the castle at the usual vampire speed, laughing as Caius tried to keep up with her.

Admittedly, he'd given her a 5 second head start, which probably wasn't one of the best ideas he's ever had, but nevertheless it was all for fun. If she was having fun, that was all the mattered to him.

Reaching the throne room, a room that she'd only been in a couple of times, she found her other two mates sitting on their thrones, glumly, talking between themselves. It all stopped however, when she ran in, before hiding behind Marcus's chair.

Both Aro and Marcus were quite confused, but it all made sense, when Caius came in, a grin on his face. He looked at his two soul brothers, and from their reactions, knew that she was here.

He would've tried to find her, using her scent, which was like what you'd expect roses to smell like, but she'd confused him by running around with no actual destination.

Aro and Marcus tried to mask their facial expressions to the best of their abilities, but it was pretty hard when you could see Regina's head poking out slightly from behind the throne.

Caius came forward to greet his brothers, a knowing grin on his face.

"Brothers." He said, nodding his head to them in respect, his face turning neutral, before a grin yet again took its place, "Is she here?"

Aro quickly shook his head, at the same time Marcus nodded.


Aro growled playfully at Marcus for giving away Regina's secret hiding space.

Marcus just grinned, before Regina went to go run out the door on the opposite side to the one where Caius had just come in.

Caius saw her, and immediately grabbed her, and pulled her into his arms.

"Nooooooo!!!" She screamed dramatically, "You've got me!"

The three kings just laughed, and Regina shook her head in mock disappointment. She playfully glared at Marcus for giving her away, but that just increased their laughter. 

Sobering up, Aro could see the way she looked at Marcus, and smiled. Serves him right for always having to tell the truth, he could've just not answered.

She went over to where Aro was sat, and hugged him, something that she could tell he wasn't used to. He pulled her to sit on his lap, but even then she hugged him.

"At least he tried to save me." She complained, earning a smirk from Aro.

Whilst she hugged Aro, he tried to use his power on her, but it didn't work. All he saw, was well, nothing. It was odd, and he wondered whether she was a Shield like Bella was.

His smile fell, but he recovered quickly from his shock, as Regina looked up at his confused, a little upset that he wasn't happy.

Aro whispered that he was fine into her ear, but she didn't believe it. However, she didn't question it, and took to glaring at Marcus again.

Marcus tried to explain his actions, but she just turned her head and looked the other way.

"Mi Cara, you're going to have to talk to him one day." (My Dear.) She just pouted at him. "No." She dug her face into his chest.

"Please." He mumbled, and Regina could feel his chest vibrate, as her head was placed on it.




She pulled away from Aro, and ran back into Caius's awaiting arms.

Marcus frowned that both brothers except him had been given a hug.

"Please forgive me." Marcus whispered, a little saddened.

"Marcus is a little sensitive." Aro spoke from where he sat on his throne, earning a glare from Marcus, "You probably shouldn't be so mean."

"I wasn't being mean." Regina said, crossing her arms. "You're just old, and don't know the meaning of fun."

Aro's eyebrow rose, as Caius smirked at her sassiness.

"Old?" Aro questioned, but received no answer, for she had  already walked to where Marcus was, sat down on his throne; her attention now solely focused on him.

"It's okay, Markie. I forgive you."

She hugged him tightly, and winked before running back to Caius, who was previously showing her where everything was. That was, before she had wanted to play the childish game of I'll-run-in-circles-around-the-castle-till-you-find-me Hide and Seek.

Marcus smiled a little at her comment, before Aro caught his attention, wanting to eagerly continue their previous conversation.

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