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"Already chocking on my pride,
So there's no use crying about it."


Knowing that Bella would possibly hate her, and that Edward wouldn't remember what he had done, once she released him from her power, Regina decided to take it upon herself to find out what was happening in the vision Alice was currently showing Aro.

"Show me." She whispered to Edward, though she was not quite sure whether she wanted to see or not.

Of course, Edward couldn't deny her request, so he opened his mind, to reach out to hers, and showed her.

It wasn't the first time she'd done this with Edward before, as she knew he often withheld information from herself and others.

Bella looked at her strangely, but once she remembered about Regina's power, Bella tried to stop her, with her own.

However, Bella forgot that before being pulled into the vision, Regina had, although quite discretely temporarily disabling Bella's powers, so all she could do was growl at her, without physically engaging in a fight.

The other two kings, who unlike Aro, were not otherwise preoccupied, growled at Bella; an automatic instinctive reaction to what they deemed to be a threat to them and to Regina.

Regina was their mate after all, and eventhough they were on opposing sides, they would stop at nothing to eliminate all threats to her, and to them.

As soon as she was sucked into the vision, she was able to see everything that Aro was seeing.

She had never experienced being inside a vision before, incapable of doing anything about what happens it it.

Her frustration only grew when she watched herself die, as well as all three of her mates, and nearly all her newfound friend's deaths.

In all honesty, Regina had never felt so helpless, in all her life. She had the power to control everyone, power or not, with her voice, and yet, having not trained it to its extent, she didn't do that.

Helplessness was not the only thing that she was feeling at that point in time.

She couldn't help but feel something when the Kings, who she had automatically assumed to be her mates died, leaving her heartbroken and slightly suicidal.

She wasn't quite sure what that something was, but she had an idea that that was their mate bond. And the agony she felt, was her soul getting ripped apart.


"No, no, no." Regina whispered, as she paced ever-so-slightly, completely over-thinking as the vision ended, and she was left with her own thoughts.

"We were supposed to fight them, not love them."

She was torn.

A part of her mind wanted to be with them; they were her mates, after all, the only ones that she would ever receive. The only problem being that they currently stood at the other side of the battlefield as her eniemies.

However, she couldn't help but feel like she was giving up everything, her freedom and friends included, should she want to go with them. She was willing to fight for this family of hers, but she wasn't willing to fight for her freedom?

What kind of person was she?

Did she really want to go with them?

"They are the enemy, you do not want to be with them, even if they are your mates."

Even thought she whispered to herself, her mates heard this, and their red eyes blazed like fire, and growled. Others just looked at her with either concern, amusement or pity.


Her pacing came to an end, as Carlisle stood before her, blocking everyone out, and making her focus on him, and him alone.

He stretched his arms out, and wrapped them around her, and eventhough she originally tensed, having not have physical contact for quite a while, she then relaxed into his hug, clearing her mind of her thoughts.

As he saw her relax, he bent down and spoke in her ear.

"They are your mates, go to them."

She blinked involuntarily, and tried to take a step back, but Carlisle held her in place.

"You know I am right. They were given to you for a reason. Perhaps you might be able to change them for the better."

He was right.

Of course he was right.

But she still had her doubts.

"They are the Volturi." She whispered to him, though she knew full well that everyone, vampire, wolf and hybrid could hear her.
"How do I know that I can trust them?"

"You don't. Do you trust me?"

She hesitated, seeing where this was going, and nodded.

She knew that it was her stupid self-pride that was stopping her from going to them, but she couldn't help it, it was in her DNA.

Over the centuries she'd been alive, she had learnt over the years that the Volturi were bad, and she didn't want to lower herself down to their level.

But maybe they weren't that bad, or at least Regina hoped not.

As if he could see the choice she had made, he urged her on.
"Go to them." He said, and pushed her gently towards them. "It will be fine."

She sighed, as she looked back at them all, and waved quite awkwardly.

Some of them came up to get her to give her a hug, and wish her well, but others, the less sociable ones, chose to stay where they were, not wanting anything to do with her, now that she had something to do with the Volturi.

Taking her hand, Carlisle walked her to her mates, before handing her over to Caius, who's face broke into a grin.

As soon as he had dropped her off, he held his hand to Aro, who took it, and who after waiting a few minutes, nodded, and smiled.

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