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Because I totally wanted to avoid whether or not Caius dies in order to bring some kind of tension and drama, I give you procrastination.

"There's no use crying about it."

THE LAST TIME REGINA SAW SOMEONE SHE LOVED, DIE, SHE WAS 3 MONTHS INTO HER VAMPIRE LIFE, STUCK FOREVER AS A MIDDLE-AGED ADULT. That someone was her father, as her mother had already passed away, not long before her apparent death.

She, unlike most vampires, remembered most of her human life, and although her parents were sometimes odd, she would have done anything for them.

Regina looked through the window and sighed.

As a newborn she wasn't really supposed to be this close to humans, if at all, but she couldn't help but check in on him from time to time.

This time, he was drinking, again.

He always drank some, to calm his anxiety, and depression, but today he was drinking rather excessively, some more and he would be sure to pass out.

She felt sorry for her father, as he was the only one left out of their little family, that he knew of anyway.

She looked longingly at him, and stepped backwards, freezing as she made twigs snap and leaves rustle.

"Who's there?" He called out, and Regina had to put her hand in front of her mouth to stop herself from answering.

A wine bottle smashed, and the smell of blood filled the air.

Regina hated that her mouth watered as the smell of blood, and she also hated that he had begun to stumble closer to her, testing both her patience, and will.

"Hello?" He called again, and as he passed her, she could see clearly see, a faded picture of her, her mother and himself, sticking out of his shirt pocket.

It broke her heart to see that he still thought about both of them, and she just wanted to pull him into her arms, and give him a hug.

But she couldn't, she knew that.

A growl caught her attention, and she looked up to see another vampire standing not too far away.

He bared his teeth, and smirked, as he flashed his crimson eyes.

"Hello, Bram Stoker."

Her father crumpled to the ground, and he stared at the vampire in fear.

"W-w-who are you?"

The male vampire didn't answer, but instead moved closer to her father.

This vampire, she knew, was just toying around with his food, as he could've killed her father easily.

She growled quietly, and watched as the other vamp heard it, and looked around to try and find her.

"I hear you have an unwanted visitor, do you want me to get rid of them for you?"

He didn't even listen to the answer, instead he ran throughout the house at a relatively slow pace for a vampire, before stopping in front of her.

She had to put a hand in front of her mouth to stop herself from making a noise.

He reached a hand out to her, and touched her cheek, which made Regina look up and into his eyes.

"Hello, beautiful."


As soon as her eyes met his, she was transfixed, with literally no control of her body.

"Regina?" Her father called, as she unwillingly got lead out from her hiding spot by the vamp.

"Hello, Father."

Her Father went to hug her, but stayed back, and sobered up a little, as soon as he saw her eyes, the colour of blood, in place of her mortal brown eyes.

"What happened to you?"

Of course, she didn't get to answer that question, because the male vampire rudely interrupted.

"You should know, Stoker. After all, your story outing us to the world is quite famous now, is it not?"

Ah yes, Dracula.
How ironic.

Bram nodded, as the vampire circled both of them like the predator he was.

"Are you ready to die?" The vampire asked Bram, and her father shuck his head.

"Too bad."

She turned for a second, but a second was all the time the other vampire needed.

Biting into his neck and draining him, the vampire killed him.

All she could do was watch helplessly.

He smirked at her, before winking at her.

"I trust you won't forget about me."

And with that, he released her father, so that his body dropped to the floor, lifeless, and ran.

She could've ran after him, but she didn't. Instead with the control she once again had, she took to holding her father tightly as he passed away.

It was then that Regina vowed, if she ever saw him again, she would kill him, and anyone who stood in her way.

I know you guys probably don't understand this, and may think it's irrelevant, but pretty soon you will understand I promise you.

Btw his name is Louis, and he is played by Jacob Collins-Levy.

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