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"And there's an old man sitting on the throne,
that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean."

THINGS HAD BEEN LIGHTING UP AT THE VOLTURI CASTLE, AND THE FACT THAT THE KINGS AND THEIR QUEEN WERE SO HAPPY WAS ONE OF THE MANY REASONS WHY. Alas Caius was still in bed-rest, and the threat of finding a cure was still looming upon them, even if Regina didn't actually know that Caius was sick. They had wanted to tell her, but they weren't sure how to, and when they did, they weren't sure how she would react.

So they kept her busy, whilst they tried to find at least something that could help him.

And that was where the training came in.

Reluctant at first, the kings eventually agreed, after some convincing from Regina, that training would be a good thing to do, just in case she ever needed it.


Demetri punched her again in the torso, and broke her from her thoughts. She tumbled ungracefully to the floor, and laid there for a minute, holding her hand to the crack in her torso, as it started healing.

He held out a hand to her, and helped her to stand.

"You really got to stop overthinking it."

She groaned, and immediately looked at him with a semi-serious glare.

"You don't think that I've been trying not to, this whole time."

He laughed, as he shook his head in amusement.

The rest of them had been long gone, doing god knows what for the last few hours, leaving him with her.

At first, he thought there was no hope for her, but now, from what he could see, she was beginning to get the hang of it.

Even as she fought, he could see why she was perfect for the kings.

She was more of a defensive fighter, like he and Alec was, rather than a full-on attacker, like Felix, the kings and the rest of them.

As he thought of him, Felix instantly appeared, nodding at both of them in acknowledgement, before turning himself fully to face Regina.

"The kings want to see what progress you've made."


A punch from Demetri sent her to the ground, again.

The kings, and the rest of the guard that stood with them, all had to resist from stopping it all, as they saw she was hurt, but watched as she gladly got up again, and swiped at Demetri.

Of course, he had seen that coming, and blocked it, before knocking her over, as his leg caught the inside of her knee.

"Are you ever going to not fall for that?"

She sighed before getting up, and taking her stance.

"Well if I had a better teacher..."

Marcus and Aro smiled in amusement, and it appeared so did the rest of them.

Aro took this opportunity to stand and walk to her, signing that the show was now over.

He wiggled his finger at her, as he tutted.

"Now, now my love, don't be mean."

She smiled, before sticking her tongue out at Demetri, which caused an eruption of laughter from the twins.

He smiled at her and they fist-bumped, before the show drew to a close, and everyone retired.


Regina threw herself on the bed, that Marcus and her now shared, and groaned into the pillow in despair, and no it was not because Aro couldn't join them, even if that did dampen her mood a little.

She tucked her head into the pillow, and Marcus sat on the bed next to her.

If she had been human, she would be a lot of things right now, sweaty, and exhausted being on the top of that list.

Marcus was quiet as always, but voiced his opinion, to which she immediately agreed.

"Go take a shower, and then we could put a movie on."

This is one of the reasons she loved Marcus, he was practically always the voice of reason.

Smiling, she washed and dried, humming along to some random song she'd heard, before coming back in a towel. There she found Marcus laid on the bed, reading.

Choosing a simple nightie, and some underwear, she dressed quickly, and then snuggled under the covers next to him.

At that point he had already put the book down, switched on Lion King and smiled.


I wonder did anyone get the reference I made?

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