For Sure

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Joe bundled his jacket closer to himself as he walked behind Brynn into the cemetary

They were in England and it was freezing, which didn't say much since Joe was accustom to sunny Florida all the time

Brynn looked around for a few minutes then smiled as her eyes met a large tombstone

"There he is," she said with a sad smile and Joe's breath caught as she began walking towards it

He stood there with a single red flower in his hand as Brynn laid the bunch on top of the grave and then slowly she dropped down to her knees infront of it, eyes glassy, sad smile on her face

"Hey little bro, it's me, I uh, I wanted to come see you for alot of reasons," she began raking a hand through her hair as she pursed her lips and looked around then she looked back to the grave stone and Joe leaned a little closer from where he was standing and squinted

Here Lies Brodie Tyler Adams, Beloved Son And Brother. May His Soul Rest In The Peace That Lay In His Heart. "If You Could Read My Mind Love"

Joe bit his lip and couldn't help but feel like he was intruding on a private moment

"I miss you Brod- alot. I always come back here to tell you that I made it. I'm a WWE Superstar. I only did it because you had so much faith in me," she said and then smiled as her eyes started filling with tears

"Anyway, the Celtics are doing good huh? So are the Red Sox, my friend John Cena is a fanboy for them, you would've liked him," she said

"And Jon, he's really great to. He's married, not to me. I know how much you liked him-"

"I remember everytime he came home with me you'd try to sneak attack him, you thought he was so cool." Brynn said with a sad chuckle

"I made another friend to, his name's Colby, he's so talented and smart, you and him are so different but you would've liked him, he loves coffee just like you did so there's that," Brynn said with a chuckle

"Dad's doing alright. I'm getting an apartment down here soon cuz you know he's getting old and stuff." She said trailing off as she rubbed a hand over her face

"There's someone I want you to meet," she then said with a slow smile and turned to beckon Joe closer and he bit his lip hard and walked over to kneel beside her

"Brod? This is Joe, we met in FCW. He's incredible. I always promised myself to never bring a man to your grave unless I felt that I wanted a life with them, and only Jon has been here. Now I brought the man I want to marry, you would really like him," she explained almost as if Brodie was right there in front of her and maybe in some emotional way, he was.

"He loves me and protects me and he never hurts me. I love him Brod. I wish you would've gotten to meet him, he's the most perfect person in the world, he's the one for me. I know it," she said and Joe felt tears well up in his eyes as she took his hand and interlaced their fingers

"I brought him here to get your blessings Brod, I love him," she said, bowing her head and dutifully, Joe did the same and it was a moment, before a strong, cool breeze blew, Joe gasped but Brynn just smiled big and wide with tears streaming down her face

"Thank you little bro, I'll continue making you proud for as long as I live, you meant and still mean the world to me, I'll come visit your grave alot more I promise," she said wiping a hand under her nose as she tried to blink away her tears, it was a happy moment and Joe took a moment and wrapped an arm around Brynn

"I wish I had gotten to know you Brodie, the way your sister talks about you, you must have been something special," Joe said and Brynn smiled bashfully

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