Chapter Three

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

The next day came round quicker than I had expected, causing me to wake up with Bella shaking me roughly.

"Emily!" She calls out, "Get up! We'll be late otherwise."

I groan into my pillow, before turning over sprawling out on my bed.

"I will be down in a bit," I say as she walks out of my room.

"Don't leave without me," I shout as I hear her footsteps thud down the stairs.

Sighing I stand up, quickly getting dressed into a white blouse and black skinny jeans mixed with a light blue blazer. I take a seat at my vanity, quickly applying some foundation and mascara, before pulling my hair into a side-fishtail plait.

I stand up, grabbing my bag,mounting down the stairs. I pick up an apple and a small carton of juice from the side, rushing out the front door and climbing into Bella and I's truck.

"Let's go," I mutter breathlessly.

She laughs at me, starting up the engine and driving off towards Forks High.

  »»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------«« 

Bells pulls into the school car park, parking on the far side of the car lot. I sigh deeply looking at all the students who were beginning to stare at us.

Great one Bella, now we have to walk past all these people.

Taking a deep breathe I take one more bite of my apple, before shoving it into my bag.

"I don't think I can do this Bells," I state turning to her.

"Em," she says grabbing my hands, making me look at her,"You will be fine, I will be with you the whole time, I promise."

"Thank you Bells, I'm sorry that I'm being such a nuisance," I reply.

"It's okay Em, really it is."

"Love you Bells," I say while hugging her.

"Love you too Em," she hugs me back tightly.

I pull away and stare directly in her eyes, "Remember though Bells if anyone is mean to us or gets on my nerves I won't be able to stop the sarcastic inner bitch I have hidden inside of me."

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