Chapter Forty-Nine

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

I sat smiling up at Emmett as he advances towards the microphone connected to the stand on the stage.

He taps the mic with his hand, "Hello, is this thing is working right," Emmett booms.

To save everyone's ears I whistle loudly, causing Emmett to roll his eyes at me.

"I want to raise a toast to my new sister, you have an incredible amount of strength with the perfect combination of sass that I love."

He holds up his glass, nodding down at me, the room claps before sipping their champagne.

I feel Jasper entwine his hand with mine as Esme and Carlisle take to the stage, holding up their glasses of Champagne.

"Carlisle and I would like to thank Renee and Charlie for bringing Emily into the world, we'll cherish and protect for as long as she remains part of our family."

Carlisle nods kissing Esme on the cheek, "Emily before my wife and I met you, Jasper was never one to be happy, but once you entered his life you brought a light to him which very few people have done."

I smile widely rising my glass in gratitude to my new parents, sipping my champagne as my mother graces the stage with her presence alongside my father.

My mother smiles brightly, "Sweetie, I remember when you told me that you loved Jasper and that you could never live without him...I have never seen such a bond between anyone like the one that you both share. I love you."

Dad clings his glass with Mum's, "When I first met Jasper I wasn't sure if he was truly good enough for you...But seeing how happy he made you it made me realise that as long as you are happy then so am I. So to Emily and Jasper."

I lean into Jasper's touch as he kisses my temple lovingly.

I bite my lip anxious as I notice Bella and Edward shuffle somewhat gracefully to the stage.

Edward holds Bella's hand, gazing down at her, shifting his eyes over to Jasper and I, "Emily, your are such a serious but wonderful person. You have brought out a happiness in Jasper that my family and I have not seen in such a long time. You both deserve to be happy."

Bella takes a deep breathe before whispering into the microphone, "Emily, my beautiful twin sister...I have to say I wasn't sure that there would be anyone who could deal with your sudden bursts of admiration and sarcasm but when you met Jasper it seemed like a match made in heaven. You both balance each other out in the perfect way."

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