Chapter Ten

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

I blink my eyes open gently, feeling the light flood in through the window. I sit up and suddenly realise where I was. Panic flows through me as I quickly stand up, looking around for Jasper. Confused I noticed a small note by the side of the room, I slowly walk over to it and read it carefully.


We have all gone hunting. We'll be back soon.

Jasper X

P. S. Alice has left you some stuff on the sofa. She says you'll need it.

I feel my lips twitch at the note, feeling a whoosh of butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

I gently look over to the sofa and spot a pile of clothes, a message saying that I need to wear them today. I scoop them up with my left hand, grabbing my hair brush with my right. I then enter Jasper's bathroom and quickly get dressed, making sure my swimming costume was on underneath. I carefully run my brush through my knotted hair, leaving it down.

I place it down on the black marbled surface, glancing up in the mirror, insecurely checking my features. For some reason I was worried about how I looked, it was weird for me since I never really cared before I met the Cullen's. To be more accurate I didn't care much for my appearance before I met Jasper. It made me feel slightly uncomfortable to be around him looking like I do. I mean how can I compare to him or any girls, I suppose I was a little envious of Rose since she looked like a Goddess.

Sighing I shake away these unhelpful thoughts and walk out towards Jasper's balcony. I step outside letting the sun hit my body, the warmth distracting me, letting me smile widely as I scanned the beautiful green scenery. I spot the others returning from their hunt as they emerge through the tree line into their backyard.

Smiling I grin to myself, turning on my foot and heading off downstairs. I enter the living room as they all pile inside.

"Good morning," I greet warmly.

Rose smiles at me, walking over hugging me.

"Did you enjoy" I ask, a hint of awkwardness evident.

Emmett laughs, as Caleb smiles respectively.

Alice nods, "we did, thank you."

"So what are we doing today?" I ask intrigued.

Alice's eyes light up, "we'll be hiking in the forest, before taking a little swim."

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