Chapter Forty-Six

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

I felt the burning stop, along with the beating of my heart.

I could no longer feel the flames shooting through my veins.

Instead I just felt numb.

I felt my ears twitch ever so slightly at the sound of voices nearby.

"She is clearly awake," Rose says.

I feel my fingers wiggling slightly as I slowly regain the ability to move.

"Then why hasn't she opened her eyes yet," Jasper sighs.

I then blink several times, before slowly lifting my eyelids.

I stare at the surroundings blinking again to sharpened up my sudden blurry vision.

I sit up, but end up standing due to my sudden strength.

Arms locked around me, causing me to panic.

Out if instinct, I pin the person to the wall growling.

"Hey, Darlin," Jasper stutters, "I didn't mean to alarm you."

I instantly release my hold around Jasper's neck, hearing his southern drawl.

I frown, taking a step back. I look down at my hands scared at how strong I am.

Jasper sense my discomfort, stepping over to me. I stare at him, analysing him, looking as if it was the first time. His golden speckles shimmering in his eyes, his Honey hair twirling into perfect curls. I even saw his scars, every single one of them. I stare in awe as Jasper places his hand on my cheek. I lean into his touch edging closer to him, pressing my lips softly against his. Kissing him properly for the first time, without the risk of hurting me.

I pull away, and continue to stare at him, until I hear someone cough loudly.

I turn my head and see Emmett winking at me as Rose snacks his chest. I then notice the the rest of the family are there, except my sister and Edward.

"Hi," I say, my eyes widening at the usual pitch in my voice.

Rose holds her hand out to me, I instantly take it. Letting her lead me over to a mirror.

I stare at myself, taking in my new image.

I was no longer they way I was.

I was no longer a human.

Instead I now look inhumanly beautiful.

I smile slightly, until my gaze falls onto my eyes.

They were red

Crimson Red.

I stare in horror, "My eyes. They're​ red."

"Emily sweetie, they will fade in a few months," Esme states, moving into my eyesight, giving her a hug.

I then speed back over to Jasper pulling him into a tight hug.

He groans in my ear, "Emily, your a lot stronger than me."

I immediately let him go, "Sorry Jazz."

"It's okay, Darlin," he says.

If was human I swear I would have blushed.

"What?" I ask, as Jasper stares at me in shock.

"You're blushing," he blinks in surprise.

"What?" I ask my face twisting into on of shock and confusion.

Rose gasps, "I can hear a faint heartbeat!"

"" I ask.

"Do you feel a craving in the back of your throat?" Carlisle questions.

I think about it, shaking my head, "There is a small itch but I don't really crave any blood if that's what you mean."

"That's strange," Carlisle states, "You seem to have all the characteristics of a vampire and yet you are still slightly part human."

"Maybe it's my power?" I question, "Maybe this is why everyone wanted me to become a vampire because I would still be part human."

Everyone thinks about it a second. And they all agree.

"Since I'm not likely to kill my sister, can I see her and Edward now?" I plead.

"Yes. I don't see why not," Carlisle answers.

I then vamp speed my way to the living room where Edward and Bella were. Bella stares at me in shock while Edward begins to challenge me, thinking that I'm going to hurt her.

"Edward she is my sister. I'm not gonna hurt her. I promise," I whisper.

Carlisle walks in and tells Edward to let me talk to my sister.

"Your okay!" Bella exclaims bringing me into a hug. I hesitantly hug her back, afraid I will hurt her.

"Yeah, except for the red eyes," I say. She chuckles.

"Yeah but your still you," she says.

"I'm still me," I say.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

Jasper and I sit together on his bed.

"Well, it looks as though you're gonna have to put up with me forever," I smile.

He laughs," Yes, I suppose I am."

I hit his arm lightly causing him to laugh again.

I smirk before bringing him into a kiss. I break it to stare him in the eyes.

"I love you Jazz."

"I love you too Emily Swan."


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