Chapter Forty-Five

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Bella's pov

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Bella's pov

After Edward bites Emily, she screams out in pain before drifting into a coma of sorts, completely unable to move.

Edward breathes intensely next to me, as he tries to maintain his posture. I hesitantly place my hand on his shoulder, making him turn sharply at me. There were tiny droplets of blood around his mouth. He grabs his shirt, wiping away the blood.
Reaching back out he rips a part of his shirt, wrapping it tightly around my wound on my forearm.

"Edward," I croak out.

He sighs, "I'm fine, Bella."

I nod, standing up next to my sister, glancing down at her lifeless body.

"I'm hope this works," I whisper to him.

He smiles entwining my hand with his, giving it a reassuring squeeze, "I can hear the venom spreading. It's definitely working."

He then let's me go, walking over to Emily's body gently picking her up. She winces slightly, as I jump onto Edward's back. He speeds down to the battlefield, knowing the fight would have ended by now.

I slide off, kneeling next to my sister, holding her hand as the Cullen's surround us.

"No!" Rose yells out, speeding over to Emily. Her eyes begin to water but no tears fall as she holds Emily's other hand, "What happened?"

I gesture to the bite mark on Emily's  neck. Rose sighs, a questioning look remaining in her eyes.

Jasper growls loudly, advancing towards Edward. He grips him in a tight chokehold, causing me to instantly stand up.

"Jasper stop!" I yell out, "please!"

I watch as cracks appear around Edward's neck.

Caleb speeds forward and separates the two of them, restraining Jasper with Emmet's help. His eyes were completely black and he looked viciously at everyone.

Sam walks over and gestures to Emily.

Edward looks to Carlisle, "He thinks it would be safer if she went with them while we confront the Volturi."

Carlisle sighs, but nods turning to his distraught son who was thrashing about in Emmett and Caleb's arms.

"Jasper..." Carlisle calls out, "I need you to keep it together until after the Volturi have been."

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