Chapter Forty-Seven

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

I stand near Bella as she watches me walk across the decking outside the Cullen's house.

I trip slightly as my heel gets caught in between the planks of wood. Bella chuckles at me causing me to roll my eyes, slipping my foot out if the heel. I slip the other one of and gently tug on the stuck shoe, taking a seat next to Bella.

"So have you even told Dad about your engagement to Edward?" I question, neatly popping the heels back into their box.

She cringes at me, "No, I'm planning on just handing him the invitation. In fact I've already sent it out."

I turn to her my eyebrows raised, "You just gave him a card explaining what is happening in the next few months."

Bella nods.

"That's ludicrous Bella, you need to talk to him about it, I told Dad about Jasper and I," I explain, "And he took it really well."

She shrugs, "Yeah but Charlie actually likes Jasper."

I smile, "He may not like Edward. But he knows that you are happy with him. He'll be happy because you are."

"So..." Bella trails, "Are you nervous?"

I give a pointed look, "What do you think? I mean I'm getting married in less than a week. I'm a nervous wreck."

"At least you'll  be able to escape Alice once it's all over, " Bella smiles hopefully, "That's something I have to look forward too."

I grin at her sarcasm, "I can't wait. Alice is driving me insane. She's taken over your role as Maid of Honour, wildly planning out this extravagant wedding."

Bella smiles, "How many dresses did she make you try on?"

My face falls into one of horror, "Hundreds. I've never felt so dead, it was such a painful process."

The smile on Bella's face falls as she realises that she will need to deal with all this while I'm on my honeymoon. I smile at this. My Honeymoon. With Jasper. Who will finally be my husband. The love of my life.

"Emily!" Bella snaps her fingers in front of me.

I shake my head glancing over at her, "hmmm."

"I was just saying that I think you need to go hunting," she looks to the floor, "Your eyes are turning black."

"Oh," I mutter, "I don't feel thirsty."

I notice her body posture and lean forward placing my hand on her shoulder, "Bella don't worry. I'll go now. Remember I will never hurt you."

She sighs, "I know but it's hard to get used to. You know the fact that you're a vampire."

"Tell me about it," I mumble.

"How are you adjusting?" Bella asks curiously.

I shrug my shoulders, "Meh. Everyone else is no longer treating me like I'm breakable except Jasper. Since I still hold human traits, it's like I'm still human to him."

She places her hand on my shoulder, "Time changes everything. I'm sure he'll come around soon."

"I hope so..."

I then abruptly stand up, wiping a stray tear from my cheek, "I best get going."

She nods, understanding, "I'll see you tomorrow."

I smile happily, pulling her carefully into a hug, before waving at her as I disappear into the trees.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

A day or two later I manage to escape Alice and speed back up into the bedroom that I now shared with Jasper. Ever since I announced my engagement to Charlie he let me move in with the Cullen's.

I enter the room noting that he is laying down on our bed reading a book. He flicks his eyes up to me smiling, gesturing next to him as he senses my irritation. I bit my lip, walking forward, dipping into the bed as I lay down next to him.

He wraps an arm around my waist as I lean into his chest. His other hand balancing the book he was reading on his abdomen.

"Are you okay Darlin?" He whispers into my ear, making me shiver.

I snuggle deeper into his embrace, "Yeah Alice has just take away all my energy. Today was super chaotic."

He chuckles, as I turn my head to him, "Can't we just run away and elope, then return and act like nothing happened?"

He smirks, "I would do anything to be your husband but refusing the help of Alice is something I would never do unless I wanted to die."

"Urgh," I mumble understanding where Jasper was coming from.

I bury my head in his navy sleeved top, "Your right, we might as well commit suicide to stop Alice from murdering us first."

Jasper gave me a sympathetic smile before edging closer and giving me a soft and gentle kiss.

I smile happily, the previous irritation leaving my system, "I needed that."

I lay my head back on his chest, listening to the exceedingly slow and extremely faint heartbeat coming from his heart. I blink affectionately placing my hand on his chest knowing that it only beated for me and no one else.

"Read to me," I whisper, closing my eyes...


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