Chapter Twenty-One

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

"Let's go," Bella groans, as I jump into the car with her.

I roll my eyes at how miserable she is being, ignoring her for a bit as I watch the scenery fly by.

"Do your friends know that it's our birthday?" I ask softly.

She shakes her head, "I want to avoid as much attention as possible."

I sigh, "Alice is going to make this a huge deal, you know that don't you?"

She shrugs, turning off the engine, as I get out off the car.

"Will you stop being so miserable!" I complain as I spot Edward walking over to us.

I wave happily at him, "Morning Eddie."

He smiles, "Happy Birthday."

"Thanks," I say cheerfully.

Bella scoffs, "Don't remind me."

I roll my eyes at her.

"Bella, your birthday is definitely something to celebrate," Edward says a frown appearing on his face.

I nod, "Bella, will you stop complaining , you're giving me wrinkles with all your worrying."

Edward laughs, as I turn on my foot, heading over to my boyfriend and the rest of his family.

I'm immediately pulled into a tight embrace by both Alice and Rose.

"Can't breathe," I mumble in their necks.

Alice smiles widely as she moves away, "Happy Birthday!"

I smile just as wide, "Thank you."

She then hands me a large brown box, a silver bow tied around it.

"What's this?" I ask her, as I dismantle the ribbon, carefully opening the box. Inside there was a beautiful dark red dress.

I look at Alice in shock, "Wow! Am I having a party or something?"

Rose nods, "Alice has organised a small gathering for you and Bella at our house later this evening."

I smile, "Really?"

"Yes I have, and you have to go," Alice begs me.

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