Chapter Twenty-Four

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

The next morning, I rolled over and snuggled into my duvet, blinking my eyes open. Sun shining deeply in my eyes, as I rub them gently. I slowly sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed.

I glance around the room, dawning on the realisation that I'm in Jasper's bedroom.

"Urgh," I complain to myself as I rub my forehead, flickers of last night bombarding my mind.

I stand up, grabbing my necklace and bracelet off the side. I pick up the small pile of clothes on the dresser, quickly pulling them onto my body.

I stumble out of the bedroom, making my way downstairs into the kitchen where the rest of the family are stood silently.

I take a seat next to Esme, shifting under their uncomfortable stares.

"I've missed school, haven't I?"

Esme nods softly, "Yes, Sweetie, I'll make you something to eat."

She then swiftly stands up and starts preparing something, as Jasper swoops in and replaces his mom.

I smile at him, and he wraps his arm tightly around my waist. Kissing my temple lovingly.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

Earlier that morning

3rd person PoV

The Cullen family sat around the kitchen table, discussing tensely the situation that occurred the previous night, while the young Emily Swan was fast asleep up in Jasper's room.

"We need to leave Forks," Edward states monotonously.

The entire room stares up at Edward in disbelief. Everyone except Carlisle.

Rosalie's face turns into one of absolute horror, "What! No!"

Carlisle sighs, leaning against the doorway, "Edward's right."

"Why?" Alice asks obviously very confused.

"Being in control of ourselves is clearly an issue with both Bella and Emily and besides I look ten years younger than I'm supposed too," Carlisle explains.

"But....we are all happy here," Emmett complains.

Carlisle's face remains unshaken by the matter at hand, "I'm sorry but neither Bella nor Emily can come with us."

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