Chapter Fifteen

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Edward's (PoV)

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Edward's (PoV)

"Stop!" Alice shouts worried, causing me to look at her thoughts. I frown as I see her most recent vision.

Three figures walk through the forest. A man with dark skin, another man with pale white skin, along with a women with fiery red hair.

They were walking towards the Cullen's baseball pitch. The dark skinned man was holding the ball that Rosalie hit into the forest.

They were moving very quickly and they all had bright red eyes.

I blink rapidly, racing over to Bella and Emily, instantly standing in a protective stance, I glance over at Jasper, who nods and holds Emily tightly to his chest.

I turn to Bella,"Put your hair down," hoping that it masks her scent.

Rose walks past grimacing, "Like that will help I can smell her from here."

Jasper's PoV

"Stop!" Alice exclaims loudly, her eyes reaching mine. A sad expression plastered on her face. I frown when I sense a feeling of concern and guilt amongst them. I quickly piece together what was happening, especially when I see Edward standing in a protective stance in front of Bella and My Emily.

I instantly rush over and bring Emily into a tight embrace.

"I'm so sorry," I mutter to her repeatedly.

I glance into her eyes, watching as the fear flashes through them, telling me that she was genuinely scared.

I panic a little, unsure of what to do, when I feel Rose's hand on my shoulder.

Rose's PoV

I sensed Jasper panicking in, I knew he wasn't sure how to mask her scent, so I decide to share my theory.

"Jasper," I call out, placing my hand on his shoulder gently.

He turns to me anger in his face.

"I think I know a way to help mask her scent," I whisper, receiving a questioning glance in response.

I let go off his shoulder, turning to Emily.

"Do you trust me, Jasper?"

He nods immediately.

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