Chapter Thirty-Four

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

"He asked me to marry him," Bella spills, as we sat in her room.

I look at her shock, "What!"

"Yeah he said that his one condition to turn me himself was if I marry him," Bella informs me.

"Okay, so what did you say?" I ask curious.

"I said yes, Emily," Bella admits.

"OMG! My sister is getting married!" I exclaim.

Bella quickly attempts to shut me up by shoving her hand over my mouth.

"Promise to calm down, if I move my hand?" She questions.

I nod. She then let's go of me.

I look at her and see that she is slightly miserable. Which confused me since she is the one marrying Edward.

"Bella, are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah I am, why?" She questions.

"You just don't seem overly happy, that's all," I observe.

"I just can't help but think that maybe we are too young to be getting married," she admits, "I'm also scared of what everyone else is going to think."

I sigh, "Bella, true love only comes around once in a lifetime. And when you get the chance to experience it, you should take it while you can. You love Edward and Edward loves you. It shouldn't matter what everyone else thinks about you," I tell her, "Also your 18 and a legal adult and Edward is older than you by a century, so I don't think age really matters."

She cracks a smile and so do I.

    »»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««    

A few days had passed and things were back to normal. I go around the Cullen's more and I'm beginning to be more myself again. Always smiling and having fun.

I was currently with Jasper sat in our spot in the meadow.

"Well my sister is engaged to Edward," I announce. He grins.

"And I'm sure that you already knew that, was it Alice?" I question.

"Yes," he replies back softly.

"Everytime," I say, "is there some way to get round that because she always seems to know everything about me before I do and it's really annoying."

"Well, I'm sure there is but I doubt it would work since her power is based on other people's decisions, so the only way to change it or to hide it is to get someone else to decide for you which would be very difficult for you," he informs me.

"Yeah, you have a point," I reply, "at least I don't have Edward listening in on my thoughts."

He chuckles, "yes. Unfortunately I don't get that luxury."

I glance at him and laugh, "don't worry I'll protect you."

I then pull him into a kiss and we both smile into it. We pull apart grinning.

"You know I have a condition for turning into a vampire," I state.

Jasper's eyes immediately met mine instantly, curiosity filling them.

"Do tell, Darlin."

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you but to do so someone has to change me. I don't mind it being Carlisle but I really want it to be you, Jasper," I admit.

"You want me to turn you," he says in disbelief.

"I understand if you can't with my blood and all but-" he cuts me off.

"Emily, it would be my honour."

I smile at him, before kissing him again.

A few moments go by and I begin to fiddle with my promise ring that Jasper gave to me months ago. He watches me before speaking up.

"What did you want to do as a human, before everything happened?" He asks me, out of the blue.

"Ummm..I wanted to get a good job, visit my family, live in a gorgeous house. I wanted to get married and have my sister be my maid of honour. And I suppose I wanted to have children but none of that is going to happen now, really," I admit.

"So you regret choosing to become a vampire, then?" He asks.

"No, Jasper, I don't regret the choice I have made because I love you so much and I guess I could experience the majority of what I wanted with you even when becoming a vampire," I say.

"Yes but I won't be able to give you something that you've always wanted," he mutters.

"And what's that?" I ask.

"The ability to have our own family," he admits.

I sigh, "yeah your right but that doesn't mean I won't be happy with you Jasper."

"I know and I suppose we can deal with it together if......" He replies trailing of.

"If?" I question.

He takes an indexed breath, "if we did one of the things you always wanted."

"And what would that be?" I ask.

"We get married."

"What!" I exclaim in disbelief, "are you proposing to me?"

He laughs in response but nonetheless gets down on one knee and proceeds to ask me the all important question.

He opens a box that he hand taken from his pocket. It revealed a small but elegant ring.
"It's beautiful," I say.

"It's my mother's. She told me that I should give it to the girl that meant the world to me, who I loved dearly and I know loves me back the same. So, Emily Mae Swan, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

I stare at him, shocked. I was not expecting him to propose, especially since my sister had just got engaged too. I wasn't sure what to do. I was scared that I was too young but I remembered what I told Bella, that it shouldn't matter about our age or what anyone thought. If we loved each other then it shouldn't matter. And I love Jasper so much and I would do anything to be with him forever. I took a deep breath and looked Jasper in the eyes.



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