Chapter Twelve

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Emily's (PoV)

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Emily's (PoV)

"She's figured out hasn't she?" I mutter to Alice, as we stood against Rose's convertible, watching as Bella enters the woods, Edward close behind her.

"Yes, she has," Alice replies.

"I hope she isn't angry at me because I didn't tell her," I state looking at where they disappeared.

"Don't worry about it Em, you kept your promise to us. It will be fine," Rose says to me, comforting me.

I nod softly as the school bell rings loudly, indicating that lessons we about to start. I frown as I enter Art with Alice by my side.

I glance down worried when I enter the cafeteria at lunch today, noticing that neither Bella or Edward was there. I slowly take my seat beside Jasper at our table, along with his siblings.

"They have ditched school," Alice announces as she plops down next to me.

I smile a little, but end up still feeling very nervous. That changes though when I feel Jasper's arm wrap around my waist, removing my nerves with his ability. Instead I felt at ease, and glanced at him with a loving gaze.

Rose notices and grins at us, winking at me, causing me to glare at her.

  »»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««  

Bella doesn't speak to me, until I spot her in the kitchen at home. She looks up a disappointing expression on her face.

I sigh, "Let's talk about this upstairs. Dad will be back soon."

She nods and we drag ourselves upstairs.

"You know?" I mutter, directing it at her, as I take a seat on her bed.

"Yes," she mumbles.

"And, are you okay with it?" I ask.

She shrugs, "I am. I'm not afraid of Edward. I love him too much to know that he won't hurt me."

Silence fills the room, as I glance out of the window.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks.

"It wasn't my secret to tell Bella," I explain, "I was sworn to secrecy. You know that I trust you, don't you?"

She nods.

"Then you understand the decision I had to make," I whisper, "I won't lie, I was afraid of what you might think of me when you found out. I assumed that you would hate me."

Bella frowns, reaching and pulling me into a hug.

"Oh, Em. I couldn't hate you," she smiles, "we're best friends, we're sisters. Tied together for life. I don't blame you for not telling me and I respect your loyalty to others. Keeping something from me must have been hard. I would have struggled it it were me not telling you."

I give her a small smile, "I'm still sorry that I didn't tell you."

"Don't worry," she says, smiling.

"I think it's rather funny that we are in this predicament," I comment.

She cracks a smile, "Life is so different here, than it was at home."

"Maybe that's a good thing," I whisper, "I feel complete here."

"Is that because of Jasper?" She asks me.

I blush, "Yes, I suppose. But I would also say that it's because of his family too."

Bella nods, "I understand."

"How are you and Jasper?" She asks, clearly curious.

"Well, it's more complicated that you and Edward."


I sigh, "Jasper isn't as well accustomed to the vegetarian diet. He struggles a lot more than the rest of his family. On top of that my blood appeals strongly to him."

"He doesn't seem to understand his own feelings at the moment, and so is keeping his distance, although we have been alone together a few times. But he would leave before anything would happen," I explain, "I think he is worried that he'll hurt me. But as much as I know he is capable of doing that, he never would. He couldn't, I've seen it in his eyes."

Bella smiles, "Edward seems to have eased up a little now that I know his secret, but just like Jasper he is extremely cautious that he'll break me."

I place my hand on her shoulder gently, "they always say that the best relationships are those that need a bit of work added to make them work. Communication is key, and as long as we speak our minds, I think things will be fine."

She nods.

"Shall we watch a movie or something?" She asks me.

I nod, standing up and racing downstairs to collect some crisps, chocolate and ice cream. I make it back to her room as she presses play, letting the Notebook begin.

I smile, as I sit next to Bella, watch as the love story unfolds before us. I of course end up crying, the emotions taking a hold over me.

"Goodnight," I whisper to my sister as I turn over, letting her flick off the light and TV. Darkness spread it's way through her room and I closed my eyes, gently falling asleep.


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