Chapter Thirteen

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

I sat in the kitchen of the Cullen's house, watching as they made Bella and I Italiano.

I abruptly stand up and make my way over towards a bathroom.

"Yo Swan, where you going?" Emmett shouts loudly at me as I walk away.

"Bathroom," I reply back just as loud, giggling to myself.

I could tell the others were shaking their heads but Emmett was probably smirking.

On my way back I bumped into Bella and Edward as they walked up the stairs.

"Hey guys," I greet, "you alright Bells?"

She shrugs, nervously, "Yeah I'm fine, you?"

"I'm hungry but I'm good," I say, rushing back into the kitchen, taking a swift seat at the table in the corner.

"Ooh, get a whiff of that," Rosalie says, as I hear Bella stumble outside of the room.

I just roll my eyes as a response.

She continues rubbing her hands together, "Here comes the human."

Bella and Edward then enter the kitchen holding hands tightly. Esme walks up Bella to greet her.

"Bella, we're making Italiano for you and Emily," Esme says happily.

Bella throws her a confused face.

"Bella this is Esme my mother for all intensive purposes," Edward explains.

"Bonjourno," Bella says to Esme, smiling warmly.

"Motto benne," she replies with a huge grin.

"You've given us the excuse to use the kitchen for the first time," Carlisle says joining his wife.

I frown at this statement, "what about me?" I mutter under my breathe, knowing that they all heard me.

"I hope your hungry?" Esme asks Bella in a motherly fashion.

Edward shakes his head, "She already ate."

Suddenly a crash echoes through the room, causing me to jump. I carefully turn to Rose, noticing that she had just smashed a glass bowl full of lettuce. I frown again since I was planning on eating that.

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