Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

"Sam's lost the element of surprise and he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered,so he's not gonna come at you head on," Jake explains, "He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity."

"He won't make it through without a fight," Emmett states clenching his fists.

Carlisle turns his arm wrapping around Esme, "No fights, we won't be the ones to break the treaty-"

"-The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind," Jake informs us.

"Not in ours," Esme sternly inputs, squeezing Carlisle's hand.

"Carlisle no one's hunted in weeks," Caleb steps forward with Alice, his eyes turning a dark shade of hazel.

"We'll make do," Esme says, glancing around at her children. Her eyes settling on me.

"You've done us a great service Jacob, thank you," Carlisle pat's Jake on the shoulder grateful.

Sighing at this new revelation, I glance at my husband who is staring intently at me, " I think I'm gonna go and check on Bella."

"Okay sweetheart, do you need some help?" Esme offers calmly.

I shake my head, shifting slightly as I push myself to my feet gasping in surprise. The baby kicked extremely hard, causing to fall backwards. A muscular arm wraps around my waist saves me from a huge drop back onto the sofa.

Looking up I see Jasper gaze down at me in worry.

I instantly place my hand on my bump where a bruise was beginning to form, "I'm okay. It was just a kick."

Carlisle sighs as he quickly checks me over, "You're getting closer to delivery, Emily, you need to take things slow."

I nod, attempting to stand back up again, this time Jasper hauls me to my feet, holding my hand tightly, affectionately rubbing it.

"I'll take you to her Darlin," he whisper, guiding me out of the room as my face blushes deeply.

We enter the living room, and Jasper kisses my cheek delicately, disappearing into another room as I take a seat next to my sister.

"That's the most attention I have hand from him in weeks," I state bewildered.

Bella laughs at my loved up trance, "At least your finally getting somewhere."

"Maybe, but I'm sure Edward will come around Bella, just give it time."

She nods slightly, as I lean into her warmth falling asleep.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

I glare coldly at Edward who slams the medical door. His eyes meet mine and instant regret falls upon his features.

Extremely pissed off I snap at him, "I may be slightly more human but I can still hear."

He turns to leave but I use as much energy as I can to speed over to him and pin him against the wall.

Jasper is immediately by my side, pulling me from the chokehold I have Edward in. Steadying my balance, while I give my brother-in-law a piece of my mind.

"Now you listen to me," I mutter darkly, "That's my sister in there. We've been together since forever and I'm not gonna let a douchebag like you upset her. So what...if you're scared of losing her. We're all afraid too, but there is absolutely no need for you to make her feel like absolute shit!"

I shrug out of Jasper's arms and push my way into the medical room, slamming the door behind me.

Bella glances up and let's the tears fall even more, I go over grabbing her hand and stroking her hair.

"Shhh, Bella. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be with you forever, you hear me."

She nods sheepishly, "Promise if anything happens, we'll look after our niece or nephew."

I smile, pinky promising, "Of course."

She wipes the tears from her eyes, as I suggest something that we could do this evening.

"How about you have a warm bath, while I find us a movie to watch?"

A smile ripples its way onto her face, so I call for Rose to help Bella.

I then head into a warm enclosed area of the room, awkwardly kneeling on the floor looking for a DVD.

"What are you doing?" I hear someone state.

I twist my head slightly to see Jasper leaning against the doorway, looking as gorgeous as ever.

"Looking for the Notebook," I smile, "It's mine and Bella's favourite movie."

Smirking down at me he fishes into a nearby cabinet and hands the DVD to me, instantly turning to leave.

In a split second I call out to him, "Jasper! Wait."

He stopped in his tracks, admiring me.

"I'm sorry," I mutter, "For everything. Shutting you out. This..." I point down at my large bump, "I'm just scared. I have been ever since you started avoiding me. Honestly it's made me feel so alone."

I get lost in the swirls as gold meets red, "And I don't want to be alone anymore, Jasper."

He lifts his hand fondly stroking my cheek, wiping away stray tears from my eyes. His other hand carefully falls upon my bump, a gentle kick coming from the baby.

"I never want you to feel alone, I'm sorry too," he breathes onto my face, a smile appearing on his face at the baby's sudden affection towards him.

"I love you..." He whispers leaning in, placing a desperate but passionate kiss onto my delicate lips.
Pulling away I press my forehead against his, "I love you too Jazz."

He presses another kiss to my lips before speeding away as Bella and Rose enter the room. Rose has a knowing smirk on her face as she looks at my reddening blush.

I sit down with Bella and Rose watching the Notebook once again. Except this time I was almost nine months pregnant.


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