Chapter Fifty-One

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

I blink my eyes open to the sun gleaming through the huge bay window directly hitting my skin. Looking down at my hand I fiddle with my rings, smiling as my skin glitters ever so slightly.

I pat the duvet around me, letting hundreds of feathers fly around me, glancing over at the broken headboard. Biting my lip I wrap the remaining sheet around my body heading down to the bathroom.

Flicking the shower on, I discard the sheet letting the hot water filter over my body. I brush my hand over my lips remembering the vigorous kisses from Jasper. Grabbing a sponge from the side I smile at the memory washing away any stray feathers, checking for any bruises.

Any that had occured had already healed due to my vampirism abilities.

I twist the shower switch off, jumping out heading back towards the bedroom. I chuckle upon entering as there were so many feathers it was ridiculous. Unzipping my suitcase I find some black shorts along with a white crop top.

After dressing I quickly speed around the room unpacking, as well as containing all the damaged peices in either a bag or in a small pile near the exit of the bedroom.

I hear Jasper cutting off the ignition to our boat, using my advanced hearing. So I make my way into the kitchen preparing myself some breakfast, just as Jazz appears himself.

"Morning," I say a huge smile on my face, winking at him.

He smirks, "Good Morning Darlin."

He takes a seat next to me at the breakfast table.

"About last night?" Jazz asks momentarily.

I roll my eyes finishing the porridge in front of me. Reaching out and entwining my hand with his, "Last night was epic. You?"

He chuckles, "Best night of my entire existence."

I grin, kissing him on the cheek.

"I want to teach you something," Jasper says out of the blue, disappearing before returning with a chess board.

I sigh, "Are we really going to play chess?"

He nods smirking.

"...I have no idea how to play."

"Exactly, and once you become a master I want you to challenge Edward," he says a glint of mischief in his eyes.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

"Catch me if you can," I yell at Jasper as we hike through the trees engulfing the island.

Grinning I disappear into the greenery, jumping up into a canopy, jumping from tree to tree.

I look over my shoulder and see Jasper close by me.

"Oh no you don't," I then leap off of the tree landing perfectly on the ground. I speed around a corner, hiding out in a nearby cave.

I turn my back for a few seconds, screaming in shock when someone lifts me up.

"Found you, Darlin."

His laughter echoing around us.

I shake my head giggling too, leaning it to kiss him. It starts to become heated rather quickly, Jasper slamming me into the wall ripping off my clothes. Our intimacy erupting inside a steamy cave.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

"Jasper your supposed to add the flour first," I complain laughing at his confused face.
"But...nevermind," his eyebrows furrowing profusely.

I bit my lip, reaching out for the flour instantly throwing it over his head. I burst into a laughing fit seeing his shocked expression under the white dust.

"You're gonna pay for that," he says, speeding over to me cracking three eggs above my head.

I gasp in surprise as the egg whites start dripping around my face covering my hair.

I narrow my eyes at him picking up an egg myself, proceeding to throw it at him.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

It finally was our last day here on the island, since we needed to head back home for Bella and Edward's wedding ceremony.

I sit in a deckchair, staring out at the open ocean in front of me. Jasper had gone hunting, since I went a day ago.

The ringing of my phone, causes my to jump ever so slightly.


"Hey Em," Bella greets, "'s everything going?"

I smile widely, "It's been absolutely amazing. We've been hiking, snorkeling, caving, the list goes on. I'm a little sad that we'll be leaving later tonight. The atmosphere here is like being in heaven compared to Forks."

She chuckles on the other end of the line, "Sounds like you have had a lot of fun..."

I roll my eyes, "Are you insinuating fun as intimate or friendly?"

"Both, but I'm more interested in how you felt during you first night there."

"Oh Bells, you're nervous aren't you?"

She sighs, "I am. Edward is quite stubborn as you know rather well. I'm worried our wedding night won't be as I expect it."

"Bella, it's genuinely not bad at all. Trusting Edward is key, I put my faith in Jasper that he wouldn't hurt me and he didn't. After the initial fear of hurting each other it instantly disintegrates into full blown passion for one another."

"Maybe I'm just overthinking everything, I mean I'm totally a nervous wreck right now," Bella explains.

"I know what you mean. I felt the exact same way. But once you get to the alter the only thing that you'll be focusing on is Edward. Everyone else just becomes highly insignificant.

"Urgh. Alice is calling me. I better go, I'll see you soon sis."

"Bye Bells."

"Bye Em."

The line then cuts out, just as Jasper appears emerging from the treeline. A smirk on his face, "Telling Bella all the gossip, Darlin."

I roll my eyes at him, "Not everything. Just tiny little snippets, the rest is for our eyes only."

He grins kissing me lovingly.


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