Chapter Eight

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

The following week flew by quicker than I had expected. Rose and I grew closer than ever before, we're the best of friends now. I didn't realise that we had so much in common, but it seemed she was a big fan of fixing cars. I was willing to learn, to help our bond grow, not only that but she loved decorating her room lots and was willing to help me fix up my bedroom which was looking very dull at the moment.

Well today is Friday, meaning I'm staying over at the Cullen's home having a sleepover with my two best friends; Alice and Rose. Smiling I shut the book I was reading in the back of the orange truck that I owned with my sister, when I catch a glimpse of a Red Convertible. I quickly, stand up, swinging my bag over my shoulder. I jump down and tug my overnight bag over to Rose who was smiling widely at me.

"Emily," she waves me over, causing me to chuckle as I edge closer.

Alice smirks, hugging me tightly, taking my bag from me and placing it in the back of Rose's car.

"Morning," I greet, offering a smile to the other siblings.

They all nod in response, I sense an unknown feeling emitting from Jasper as he looks incredibly uncomfortable and angry. Furrowing my eyebrows I wonder what caused him to be like this, maybe something happened earlier this morning. I'm not entirely sure.

"Let's go," Alice chirps, linking arms with me.

I chuckle throwing Jasper another look, but notice that he's gone. Confused I frown, before venturing into the school for a long and boring academic day.

  »»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------«« 

3rd persons PoV

The Cullen's were sat in their living room. They all gathered to talk about the upcoming event of having Emily staying over this weekend.

To any normal family it would be like any other day but for the Cullen's this seemed to be a very touchy subject, causing plenty of disagreements.

"Emily's coming over today," Rosalie states, her eyes scanning that of her siblings.

"What are we going to do?" Edward asks, a little worried.

"What do you mean?" Jasper states in a monotone voice, "We are going to try and make this as normal as possible for her sake."

Caleb shoots Jasper a sharp look, "we can't keep her in the dark forever."

Jasper shrugs, "Maybe not but I would prefer her not to know right now."

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