Chapter Sixty-Nine

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

"Matthew!" I yell out, preparing a fry up, placing the dish at the table, along with an extra plate.

I could hear my sister and niece walking up the driveway.

"Emily..." Bella smiles, entering the house trailing behind Renesmee who races over to me.

I bend down, catching her embrace twirling her around.

"I left a plate at the table, why don't you go eat something before we go to grandpa's," I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear.

She grins enthusiastically, running over to the table.

"Matthew!" I call out again.

A muffled groan comes from his bedroom, as he starts shuffling around.

I smile in satisfaction when my son enters the kitchen, dressed and ready to go.

"Eat your breakfast, we'll be leaving soon."

He smiles, taking a seat next to his cousin delving in an exciting conversation about giraffes.

Chuckling I turn to Bella, "Anyone coming with us?"

She nods, "Jake is accompanying us to Dad's."

I smile picking up Matthew's readily packed bag.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

Bella turns the corner out of my driveway, speeding down the country lane.

"I'm surprised you took a break from Jedi training."

Bella sighs, "If I don't take Renesmee or Matthew to my dad, he'll come to us. Not so great."

Jacob rolls his eyes, "I know that's what you told Edward."

"She's not wrong you know," I frown, "My dad would turn up at our place and it isn't exactly human friendly right now."

"Whatever!" He mumbles, "I'm just glad to get away from all those reeking bloodsuckers. "

Bella side glances at him with a look of disapproval.

I bite my lip, hiding the smirk on my face.

Jake looks out of the window, "I'm sorry. I know. They're the good guys."

A smile curves on his lips, "But come on, Dracula One and Two are creepy."

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