Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

I cuddle up into Jasper's cold embrace, craving his icy touch. The TV blasting a random football game, with everyone throwing Bella and I worried glances.

Bella starts to shivering, so Edward lets go if her hand, standing up next to Carlisle.

"Are you cold?" Edward asks her sweetly.

She nods weakly as Jake scoots along the sofa, pulling her in a warm embrace, "I got it..." Bella smiles at him causing Jake to shake his head, "...Don't do that."

"Do what?" Bella whispers snuggling into Jake.

Jake rolls his eyes, "Smile like I'm your favourite person in the world."

"Your one of them," Bella responds, "It feels complete when you here Jake."

I smile warmly before wincing loudly, sitting forward. Jasper instantly holding my hand, a painful expression on my face.

"Emily..." Carlisle asks, crouching down in front of me.

"Hmmm," I break out if the trance I was in, "I...I think the baby bit me."

Carlisle places his hand on my bump listening to my heart, "You're fine. I think you'll give birth tomorrow. How are you feeling."

"Like a huge ass wasp just stung my bladder," I snap angrily, a calming atmosphere suddenly enveloping around.

"Jazz..." I warn, moving to sit back, closing my eyes.

I open my eyes to see Bella lurching forward Esme gazing in worry at her.

"We need to find a way to get some food into Bella's system," Esme explains, observing Bella's sunken skin.

"If I could only see the fetus-" Alice starts.

"Baby," Rose chips in.

"-maybe I could figure out what it wants," Alice finishes.

I feel Jake hovering his gaze on me before shifting it over to Edward.

"I think you might be right," Edward states glancing between Jake and I, "Jacob just had an idea."

"It wasn't an idea, it was a snide comment," Jake says.

"What were you thinking," Carlisle says.

"I would like to know, since it clearly sparked in your mind after looking at me," I scrunch up my nose.

Jake scratches his head, "That it's probably just looking for someone to sink it's teeth into."

"He's hungry," Bella murmurs.

"Wait a minute why did that come to your head after looking at me..." I ask, extremely offended," ...Is this because my eyes are red?"

He chuckles confirming my thoughts.

Alice automatically stands up realising what was happening, holding her hand out for Caleb. Rose nods her head at Emmett, who sighs, dragging Jasper to his feet. I throw Jazz a pleading look and he takes a deep breathe before disappearing with Emmett.

Carlisle re-enters the room with a cup of blood, handing it over to Edward.

"Wait, your gonna make her drink that, I understand Emily since she's a vampire but..." Jake states.

"It's the fastest way to test the theory," Carlisle explains.

Edward kneels down in front of Bella, "Only if you're okay with it."

"I'll try anything," she mumbles.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Jake says scooting away from Bella.

I roll my eyes, "Move over."

I then sit next to Bella holding my hand out to her.

"This might make it a little easier to take," Edward says placing a cup with a straw.

Bella grips it tightly, hesitantly bringing the straw to her mouth. I watch feeling my throat burn as the blood rises up the straw and into her mouth.

She quickly swallows, licking leftover blood from her lips, "It tastes good."

Carlisle sits next to her checking her pulse, "Your pulse is already getting stronger."

"It's working," Esme happily whispers as we all sigh in relief.

I turn to Bella, "Looks as though we'll be sharing drinks now."

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

I lay next to Jasper on our bed, my mind racing at the thought of giving birth.

"Penny for your thoughts," Jazz hushes into my ear.

"Thinking about tomorrow," I roll over so my head is level with his.

"Carlisle will take care of you, as will I," Jasper reassures, twirling my hair.

"You know, I have no idea if we're having a boy or girl."

His eyes flutter for a second about having a son or daughter.

"Have you got any names?"

I shrug, "Yeah, You?"

"Well I like the name Matthew for a boy and Primrose for a girl," he tells me.

"Oooh, I really like those names," I tell him.

"What names do you pick?" He asks stroking my face.

"I like Theo for a boy and Faith for a girl."

"They're beautiful, Darlin."

I sit there contemplating the names, "Oh I can't choose one or the other."

"Well then, let's combine them," he suggests.

I smile whispering different combinations to him, in the end we decide:

For a girl we would call her:
Primrose Faith Hale

And for a boy we would call him:
Matthew Theo Hale

Jasper plants a loving kiss on my cheek, before standing up and collecting my daily dose of blood.

In his absence I sit down at my desk in the corner, absently writing down recent events into my diary that Jasper gifted on my eighteenth birthday.


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