Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

"How many came?" Carlisle asks as he steps out of the black camaro.

Edward smiles pulling his father into a hug, "Eighteen. You have some good friends."

Esme walks over to Bella and I, "Alice?"

Bella sighs, walking into Esme's warm embrace. Esme moves back her eyes drifting over to me.

"Have you heard anything Jasper?"

I shake my head, a few tears falling down my cheek as I reach for her. She immediately hugs me.

"We'll all be on Aro's list now. Centuries on the run. That's what you've brought me. Some friend, Carlisle."

I glance up at the sudden deep voice, my face asking who this guy was.

Carlisle sighs gesturing to his friend, "Alistair, come meet everyone."

Alistair narrows his red eyes at Carlisle, "I already told you, if it comes to a fight, I won't stand against the Volturi."

Carlisle tries to persuade him, "It won't come to a fight."

Alistair glares coldly, "I'll be in the attic."

He then jumps high in the air, landing on the top of the house, disappearing into a room inside.

Esme turns to us, "He's not a people person."

I chuckle, linking my arm with Esme as I guide her back into the house.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

"It's a defensive talent," Eleazar explains to Bella as I walk over.

"What's a defensive talent," I ask, tightening my ponytail.

Eleazar smiles, "Your sister is a shield. She is able to protect people from mental gifts."

I nod, "That finally sheds some light on why Edward was unable to read Bella's mind."

Edward rolls his eyes, "Yeah but it doesn't explain how I haven't been able read your thoughts since you turned eighteen."

Eleazar turns to me, an intriguing but curious look on his face. Similar to the one he gave me when we went to ask the Denali's for their help.

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