Chapter Seven

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Emily's PoVAs we enter I feel the warm air hit my face, quickly warming up my skin

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Emily's PoV
As we enter I feel the warm air hit my face, quickly warming up my skin. I go to walk across the cafeteria when I realise that everyone in the room is staring at me. I feel my eyes widen as I internally panic at this sudden cause of attention. I freeze into my spot, only to pulled slightly by something, no, someone who had gently taken my hand.

I look up and see Jasper looking down at me, a small smile filling his face. I flush as wave of calmness radiates through me, replacing the mini mental breakdown I was having. I offer a smile and let him guide me across the cafeteria to a table where his siblings were already seated.

I take a seat in between Rose and Jasper, breathing deeply as I overcome what just happened.

"Why is everyone staring?" I ask in a small voice.

Rose places her hand comfortingly on my shoulder, "we don't usually socialise with others."

My lips form and 'oh' in realisation that people avoided them or maybe they avoided people. I shake the thought away and pick up my glossy red apple, taking a small bite from it.

"I hope you didn't feel uncomfortable," Alice inquires, "you know with everyone looking at you and all."

I shrug slightly, "Not really. I'm used to it." Thinking back to when I got bullied constantly for being a know it all, I was considered a freak for the way I acted and dressed.

I see Edward offer my a look of sympathy, causing me to glance at him confused.

He doesn't say anything but turns to look at my sister, who was currently staring at me, before she glances over at Edward.

"Your the chief's daughter," Emmett states.

"Um....yes," I answer, "I have a twin sister."

"Bella," Edward mutters.

"Yes," I confirm.

I glance at him curious at the look her was giving my sister.

"I could introduce you if you like," I offer.

He sends me a small smile, "what's the best way to go round getting to know her."

I smile, "Bella is an interesting character. She's extremly awkward but surprisingly very determined. Also you might want to note her clumsiness."

He sighs.

"I'm only telling you because she once stumbled and we both fell down some stairs," I explain, "I ended up breaking more bones than she did, if that's even possible."

He chuckles at me.

"I bet that was painful," Emmett states.

I roll my eyes, "you're telling me, I was in casts for weeks. I looked absolutely ridiculous."

Emmett sniggers, causing me to glare at him playfully.

I suddenly feel a light weight against my back and realise that Jasper was sitting rather close to me, his arm draped around my chair as though he was ready to save me.

"Hey, Emily," Alice says suddenly, "We should exchange numbers and organise a sleepover."

"Sure," I smile, "when's convenient for you?"

Alice shrugs, "how about this weekend?"

I shrug, "I doubt I'm doing anything."

"Good," she says, "I'll send you the details later."

I nod standing up grabbing my bag, slinging it over my shoulder, ready to make my way to English.

  »»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------«« 

School had finished and I trudged over to the bright orange truck. I unlocked it and slide into the passenger seat, waiting for Bella to appear. She comes clambering out of the entrance, clearly fighting for dominance with her clumsy feet.

She manages to make it to the truck without falling, opening the door and taking a seat next to me.

"You made friends with the Cullen's?" She ask incredulously.

I nod, "I did."

"But they are like popular and you aren't a people person."

I shrug, "I know but they were all really nice and friendly."

She breathes deeply, starting up the engine and pulling out of the school lot.

"Em....listen, I know you have a lot of trust issues, but I'm here for you if you need me," she informs.

I smile lovingly at her, "I know Bells and I love you for that, but I feel extremely comfortable around them. Like they accept me for me. It's almost like I've finally found a place to fit in with them."

She nods, as I turn the radio up a little.

"Hey," Bella calls out, "can you do me a favour?"

I shrug, "depends on what it is?"

"Well...I was hoping that you could tell me about Edward."

I smile widely, "you've totally got a crush on him, don't you?"

She pulls into the driveway, cutting the ignition turning to me looking highly flustered.

"I knew it," I exclaim, happily grinning to myself.

"What about you?" Bella asks, confidently.

"What about me?"

"You have a crush on Jasper," she says, "I saw how close you two were at lunch."

I roll my eyes at her, shutting up, which no doubt she was thankful for. To save myself from the constant pestering I get out of the car and quickly walk into the house. I enter the kitchen and leave a note on the fridge for dad.

Hey dad,

School wasn't too bad, but extremly tiring so I'm retiring early tonight. I did make a few friends, who have invited me around their house this weekend. I'm hoping you'll let me go.

Love Em X


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