Chapter Sixty-Three

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

I storm into the living room, feeling a calming aroma envelope me. I turn to my husband glaring coldly and he looks at me innocently.

"What the bloody hell are we gonna do?" I ask Bella freaking out. I mean as much as I wish to tell my dad the truth, it would put him in danger.

She shrugs, "I don't know."

"Can't we just tell him the truth," I mumble.

Carlisle enters the room with Esme, "That's not a good idea."

I sigh, "Why? I mean Bella and I figured out the truth. We're not stupid and neither is our Dad."

"Em," Bella whispers, "He can't know, the Volturi will pressure us into turning him..."

I understood where she was coming from. Dad would never want to become what we are.


"Fine...So we don't say anything, and assure him that we'll stay as long as he doesn't question things that aren't normal," I suggest.

Bella smiles, looking over to Carlisle, "I can live with that."

Carlisle nods in agreement, "We need to prepare you both for when you're father arrives."

Alice struts into the room holding out some brown contacts. I sigh hating these things after wearing them that one time at my wedding.

I stand in front of a mirror on the wall, cautiously covering gold with hazel.

Alice helps Bella with her's covering crimson red, "These will irritate your eyes at first."

I scoff blinking several times uncomfortable, "They are more than irritating."

Alice smirks at me as I return to Bella's side.

"Okay," Carlisle claps his hands together, "The main thing is not to move too fast."

Esme nods placing her hand on Carlisle's arm, "Try taking a seat. Crossing your legs."

I nod, glancing at my husband who had reentered the room after leaving due to my evergrowing hostility, that has currently subsided.

I walk over to the couch, taking a swift seat crossing my legs with ease. While my previously clumsy sister stands up and slams into a nearby chair incredibly fast.

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