Chapter Fifty-Two

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

I knock on the door at the small two storey house that I used to live in. Smiling when I heard shuffling coming from the other side.

The door opens revealing a tired Bella dressed in sweats.

"Morning Sis," I greet, "Are you ready to go?"

She nods grabbing a backpack from the living room, following me out to my black land rover.

We both climb in buckling our seatbelts. I ignite the engine, letting the vehicle roar to life.

"How are you feeling?" I ask backing the car out of the driveway.

"Excited, Nervous and Happy," she responds fiddling with her hands.

"Well it's best that we get you to Alice before she throws a fit..." I chuckle, "Everything will be perfect today though, just enjoy it."

She nods, staring out at the forest I zoomed past heading towards the Cullen's residence.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

I walk upstairs to meet up with the girls.

"Hey Rose," I wave capturing her attention.

She smiles linking arms with me.

"Are you heading to see Bella?" I ask curious.

She nods, "I was gonna ask if she wanted me to do her hair."

I smile, "She'd love that."

Rose knocks, before entering the room, myself following in suit.

"Do you need some help? I can do her hair?" Rose inquires.

"Really?" Bella glancing over at me in surprise.

Rose smirks before walking over to Bella, "Please, I'm not offended by your choice of groom."

"Just my blatant lack and respect for mortality," Bella retorts instantly.

I giggle slightly as Rose responds, "essentially."

Alice then turns to all of us, "Weddings they bring everyone together."

"Are Mum and Dad here yet?" Bella asks me. I glance down at my watch shaking my head.

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