Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

The next morning Jasper, helps me downstairs. Carefully settling me onto my feet as we stand in the doorway of the living room.

I go to step forward when an intense burning comes from my lower abdomen, followed by a sudden flush of liquid dripping between my legs.

My eyes widen as I feel my knees buckle at the acute pressure pulsating at my cervix.

"Oh my god!" I scrunch my face up, closing my eyes trying to withstand the pain. Leaning hard into Jasper's chest.

He catches me with ease, a pained expression etching his face as I unintentionally project my pain onto him.

Carlisle shuts the book he was reading abruptly, "Jasper! Bring her to my office now!"

I feel a light wind brushing over my skin, replaced by the scratchy material of the medical bed.

I try to breath but feel as though my lungs were collapsing, while my heart spasms at the ever increasing agony.

I blink open my eyes as Esme strides into the room, muttering to Carlisle. While both Jasper and Edward stood by my sides.

Esme hands Jasper a cold flannel, "Hold this to her forehead to try and keep her temperature down."

I sigh in content feeling the cold ache, spread through my head.

"Emily, I'm going to take off your pants," Esme explains, I nod biting hard on my lip. My teeth piercing my skin, blood dripping from the wound.

Esme places a towel over my legs, as I scream out and in extreme agony feeling an urge to push.

Feeling alert I stare in discomfort at Esme who looks back at me in shock, "Okay...Emily...I need you to take deep breathes."

I nod, breathing in, mimicking her actions trying to steady my breathing.

Carlisle moves over standing by Edward with a needle in his hands.

"What are you doing?" Jasper snaps reaching out and gripping ahold of Carlisle's hand.

"I'm giving her some morphine to try and take away the pain," Carlisle responds.

Edward reaches out, prying his brother's hand away from their father, "Jasper!"

I hear my husband's growls disipate, "Emily needs you. Help calm her down."

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