Chapter Four

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

We walk into the room and slowly edge towards the teacher. I hand over my slip letting the lady sign it.

"Miss Swan, you can go sit next to Miss Cullen," she tells me, pointing to the back bench.

I nod and slowly make my way towards a pixie-like girl, who had short dark brown hair and vibrant golden eyes.

I slowly take a seat next to her, placing my bag on the floor beside me.

"Hi, I'm Alice Cullen," she greets, "you must be Emily Swan."

I nod awkwardly, "it's nice to meet you."

She grins at me, "You know I have a feeling that you and I are going to be the best of friends."

I offer a confused look, but smile at her anyway, "I don't usually make friends very well but you seem different, a good different mind you and I like that."

I then furrow around the desk, and pick up my paintbrush, gesturing for Alice to do the same. She does and we clink our paintbrushes together.

"To the start of a new friendship," I whisper softly.

She smiles, "one which will last forever."

I roll my eyes slightly, laughing at her enthusiasm.

I gently place my paintbrush onto the table and open my sketchbook to a fresh new page. I swiftly flick my hand back and forth, sketching a blossom tree, a couple sat underneath it holding each other's hands.

I sense Alice leaning over my shoulder, "That's pretty."

I smile at her as she starts a conversation.

"So, tell me, why did you move to Forks?" She asks curiously.

I shrug a little, ".....well my parents divorced when I was younger and my sister and I were swept away from forks when we were toddlers to live with our mother."

"Did you visit your father at all?"

I nod softly, "Yes. I visited once every summer, but stopped when my mother remarried this guy named Phil."

It goes silent for a few moments as I continue.

"They fell in love with each other pretty fast, and had the crazy idea of going travelling, which no doubt was inspired by the fact that Phil is a minor baseball player," I explain.

Alice smiles at me.

"So I persuaded my sister to come and stay with our father here in Forks. Mainly because I really wanted to come back and see him again but also because secretly I love it here. The rain, clouds, the delicate flakes of snow."

"It is nice here, isn't it?" Alice waves her hand to the green scenery outside our window.

I nod smiling.

"What about you?" I ask.

Excitement covers her face as she twitches her lips into a wide smile.

"I currently reside with my adoptive parents; Dr Carlilse Cullen and Esme Cullen. They are so sweet and caring, exactly what you want every parent to be like."

My eyes sparkle at the information, "Siblings?"

She nods, "I have adopted siblings. There's Edward and Emmett Cullen. Caleb Hale and his younger twin siblings Rosalie and Jasper Hale."

"Wow, that's a large family," I comment.

She shrugs, "we may be siblings but some of us are more than that."

"Do you mean romantically involved?"

She nods, "Yes. Rosalie and Emmett are an item, just like Caleb and I are together."

"And the others?" I ask extremely interested whether Jasper was seeing someone.

She shakes her head, "No. They haven't met anyone yet. However I'm sure that's going to change."

I watch as she wiggle her eyebrows at me.

I turn back to my drawing, adding a little shading in places, "I wish that I would be able to experience love one day."

I feel her cold hand rub my shoulder comfortingly, "I'm sure you will find love, Emily, I mean who knows you could find it today."

I frown shaking my head, "I highly doubt that Alice, but thanks for the support."

She smiles, a glint appearing in her eyes as if she knew something I didn't, "I think you'll be surprised, by what you find Emily."

She turns back to her drawing, shutting her sketchbook as the school bell rings out loudly.
I cringe at the sudden sound and instantly pack my things away.

"Hey Emily," I look up to see Alice still standing there, "Would you like to sit with my family and I?"

A smile takes over my lips, "I wouldn't want to intrude."

"You wouldn't be. No one will mind, except Rose, but that's only because she take a while to warm up to new people."

"Sure," I say, swinging my bag over my shoulder.

She nods and gracefully walks off down the hallway to her next class.


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