Chapter Five

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

After taking what felt like hours to locate my history classroom, I finally stumble inside carefully making my way up to the teacher.

"Miss Swan, is it?" He asks me.

I nod slowly.

"We'll go ahead and introduce yourself," he instructs.

My eyes widen slightly as I turn to face the peering eyes of the students in the room.

".....Hello....My name is Emily Swan," I spit out awkwardly my face flushing a deep red.

"Welcome Miss Swan. I'd like you to sit to Mr Hale at the back of the room," He tells me.

My head snaps over to quiet figure in the corner of the room. Hearing his name being called out he looks up at me, his eyes catching mine. I stare into his mysterious golden eyes, getting lost in them before I abruptly blink and trudge to the back of the room. Dumping my bag on the floor, I open my history book to the right page and grab my pen, starting on my notes.

After a few moments I side glance at the boy sat next to me through the curtain of hair I had created between us. I took note of his honey blonde hair, which fell nearly just past his ears. His face was sculpted, carved even, to what seemed like perfection. I felt a weird feeling fill my stomach as I suddenly catch his eyes again, this time staring not in awe but curiosity.

I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, as I break eye contact and listen befriefly to the murmuring going on around me. I sense him stiffen, mould himself into a statue of sorts as I fiddle with my hair, tucking loose pieces behind my ear.

"Emily, Right?" He chokes out, turning himself to me momentarily before turning away again.

I nod.

"I'm Jasper," he introduces a slight southern accent cracking through.

I give him a small smile

"It's nice to meet you," I whisper, in an attempt to break this awkward tension filling the room.

He nods curtly.

"What are we learning about in History?" I ask swiftly changing the subject.

His lips twice into a smile of sorts, "we've just started to learn about the Civil War."

This time I smile, "Really?"

"Well I actually find that an interesting topic, I'm currently looking into learning more about that era," I tell him, "what do you think about the topic?"

He smirks breifly, "I love the Civil War topic. It's a lot more interesting than people think."

"Would you be able to help me, I love history but struggle to write the essays that are needed," I explain.

"Of course, Darlin," he says sending a quick wink.

"So I met your sister this morning," I say referring to Alice.

He chuckles, "Let me guess. Alice."

I nod smiling, "She seems to have a very chirpy personality."

He nods, "Yes, Alice is very unpredictable, but she is very passionate about her friends and fashion."

I chuckle.

"So tell me something about yourself, something that no one knows," he whispers.

I squint my eyes a little thinking thoughtfully, "Um...I like to sit at my window sometimes and watch the rain pour outside. It helps clear my mind."

He nods, his auburn eyes glancing over my features.

"What about you?" I ask, curiously.

He smirks, "I used to live down south, in Texas."

I smile, "Hence the slight accent."

He narrows his eyes, "You are quite observant, aren't you?"

I shrug, "only when I have to be."

"So..." He starts scratching the back of his nervously, "Do you want to join me for lunch?"

I smile widely, "Well Alice has already invited me to sit with your family, so I suppose I can accept and sit next to you."

He smiles, what seems to be a very genuine smile.

"I'll meet you outside your lesson," he says, standing up quickly as the bell rings again.

Without so much as a goodbye he swiftly exits the classroom.


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