Chapter Thirty-Five

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Emily's PoV

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Emily's PoV

I sit cross-legged, my fingers twisting the newly placed engagement ring upon my left ring finger. I stare at it still in shock that I was now engaged to the amazing and handsome Jasper Hale. I smile as I remember back to when he asked me the all important question.

"It's my mother's. She told me that I should give it to the girl that meant the world to me, who I loved dearly and I know loves me back the same. So, Emily Mae Swan, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

I took a deep breath and looked Jasper in the eyes.


Excitement ripples through me as I chuckle to myself. I stared down at the other simple band on my finger, the promise ring that Jasper had given to me a year ago at Prom.

I swing my legs over the side of my bed, standing over by the window watching Edward bring Bella back home. I check my clock, rolling my eyes as it turns exactly 4pm. Dad had started Bella's punishment for travelling to Italy unannounced a few days ago. The funny part is how Dad is mainly doing it to separate Edward and my sister, but we all know that it was a waste of time. I mean Edward is practically always here, no matter whether Dad knows it or not.

I spin around on my tiptoes when I here another car enter the driveway. Grinning to myself I instantly lift up my bag, running past Bella on the stairs straight to the front door.

I notice my father shaking his head, a smile evident on his face as he focuses back on the baseball game.

"Hi Jazz," I say, a blush heating upon my face as he flashes his famous grin.

"Hello Darlin."

"Shall we," I say pointing outside, highly flustered by his accent slipping through.

I quickly shout to my Dad before I close the door behind me, "I'm hanging out with Jasper. I will be back later Dad, alright?"

A faint 'okay' was heard as I slam the door shut behind me, walking with Jasper towards the car.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

Jasper swiftly pulls up in front of his house, quickly opening my door holding out his hand. I shake my head, a small laugh echoing from my mouth at his gentlemanly ways.

He leads me into the living room where I'm engulfed in hugs from both Alice and Rose.

I chuckle hugging them back tightly, "As much as I love you guys, I still need to breath oxygen."

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