Pain Killers: Part 2 [Aziraphale X Reader]

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An annoying vibrating pulled you out of your slumber. It was as if you were in a drunken haze. Your hand clumsily groped the coffee table, hoping to find the source of what woke you up. Cracking one eye open, you grabbed your ringing phone and saw Aziraphale's picture on the screen. You swiped and put the phone to your ear.

"Mmm, hello?" you said with a slight rasp from having just woken up.

"Crowley! You will not believe what just happened!" Aziraphale spoke rapidly. You weren't awake enough to the point of realizing Aziraphale had dialed the wrong number. "I was over at [Y/N]'s to check up on them, what with their most recent doctor's appointment having just taken place. It's a good thing I did, too. They were crying when I got there, poor thing."

"What?" you grumbled and slowly sat up. A blanket, that you knew wasn't yours, fell off of you.

Aziraphale was too caught up in his story to realize that your voice did not belong to his demonic friend. "I went to comfort them. They were crying because they love someone that they thought wouldn't love them back. Ridiculous, that they wouldn't love them back, I know. And of course, I was heartbroken. You know my feelings for [Y/N]."

You were too stunned to speak. You had no memory of Aziraphale being in your apartment. You felt a blush take hold of your voice of such an embarrassing thing happening. But now Aziraphale had feelings for you? You felt your heart soar.

"But it turns out she thought I was you! I'm not entirely sure why, but she went on about nick-names. Guess what my nickname was!" Before Aziraphale could give you, or who he thought was Crowley, a chance to guess, he continued on. "Boyfriend! They called me "boyfriend" because they want me to be their boyfriend!"

You held back a groan from doing something so embarrassing. You were glad you didn't remember it, but the fact that your very real crush was gushing about it was enough to make you cringe at yourself.

"Isn't this amazing? I'll be buying them a bouquet of flowers soon and take them out for dinner. Somewhere nice, I think. Or do you think they would want something more laid back? I love them so much, I just want them to have a grand time." Aziraphale paused and waited for a response. "Crowley, are you there?"

Your brain short-circuited for a moment or two, trying to think of what to do. He loved you? "Um..." you barely whispered into the phone. "A-Aziraphale? I-I think you dialed the wrong number."

There was a stunned silence. You tried to imagine what Aziraphale's face looked like at that exact moment.

"Oh, goodness," Aziraphale breathed out. "[Y/N], dear? Is...Is that you?"


"Right. Tickety-boo. Well, that was not at all how I wanted this to all happen. But I do love you, [Y/N]. And I was wondering if perhaps you would like to join me for dinner?"


Oh dear, I had fun writing this. I hope you enjoy it. I'm excited to see the notes for this once I get off of work, it'll hopefully make the day go by faster! =)

Also! I am doing a fundraiser for a non-profit I am a part of: Castle Rock Pride. If you would like to have a fanfic written for you or a drawing, please donate a minimum of $1 and message me the receipt. Of course, the more you donate, the more you'll get (longer fic, more than just a sketch, etc). Castle Rock Pride is the first pride organization in Castle Rock (a very conservative area) and we will be getting support groups set up for kids, teens, adults, parents, etc. We'll have counselors there (as well as myself as I'm certified in mental health first-aid for backup). And we'll be educating the community, having seminars, etc. But right now, we're putting together Castle Rock's first pride festival! We need money right now, hence the fundraiser. Please donate here:

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