Hellfire (Crowley/Reader HC)

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Art is mine


Request: crowley finding out that his s/o was in the bookshop when it's on fire?


So you're still alive, 'cause I don't do death. Too much of a trigger for me, 'cause I've experienced a death of a loved one at least once a year for the last five fucking years and will most likely lose another one either later this year or next year. So basically I've been in a near-constant state of mourning for half a decade.

When Crowley saw your body clutching a book about nice and accurate prophecies he felt panic rise up even more

It was just supposed to be Aziraphale in there

But there you were and Aziraphale was gone

He feared the worst as he quickly made his way over to you. He already knew Aziraphale was dead from the damned Hellfire.

He turned you over and started sobbing and screaming at anyone that would listen. He held your body tightly against him, he didn't want to let go of you, not yet.

It was too much for the demon

But the rational part of him just barely made it through as he checked your vitals

There was a pulse. It was weak, but it was enough to make sure Death didn't take you in his clutches.

Crowley carried you out of the fire, tempting the flames to not caress your skin

The firefighters yelled at him to give your body to them so they could work on saving you, but he ignored you

A miracle was already starting to work through your body as your breathing eased and your heartbeat stronger

He placed you in his Bentley so you could rest before he sped off to the bar

He needed a drink. He lost his best friend. He wasn't going to lose you. But you got hurt because you got caught up in this fucking mess. Yeah, he needed a damn drink.

You probably woke up on the way to the bar.

He started crying in relief at seeing you open your eyes.

He dragged you into the bar, sobbing uncontrollably and wouldn't let go of your hand, even while he drank as if there was no tomorrow. There probably wouldn't be a tomorrow at this rate.

Even if he saved you now, it wouldn't matter now. You both were most likely going to die.

He'd just keep on saying how much he loved you and how sorry he was that he was such a fallen failure.

Then, when he saw Aziraphale. He started to sober up. There was a glimmer of hope to save the world. To save you.

He would save you.

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