Good Deeds [Crowley X Reader]

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Crowley had been watching you for a while. It started when he noticed you placing notes at random places around London. You pulled more and more out of the backpack you carried. Out of curiosity, he sauntered over to one of the notes. It was a handwritten note saying he was beautiful. He raised an eyebrow and glanced over to where you were placing more notes, like a breadcrumb trail. Each note had something positive to say about the person reading it.

The next time he saw you, you were passing out flowers to random people on the street from your backpack. Everyone from young and old, men, women, and nonbinary folks received flowers from you. Crowley was curious if he would receive one if he happened to walk by. Quickly, you stopped him and handed him a yellow daisy. It was the only plant he had ever miracled to never wilt.

On the next occasion, you were pulling a wagon down the streets of London. It was filled with bags with toothpaste and toothbrushes, deodorant, socks, menstrual hygiene products, food, and other necessary supplies. Crowley followed you in the shadows to see where you were possibly going. You stopped at a homeless camp and began handing out the bags with a bright smile. When the wagon was emptied, you pulled out even more from your backpack.

He was with Aziraphale at St. James's park when you popped up next. You were walking around with gloves on picking up trash. Crowley turned to the angel and asked, "You see them? Have you got anything to do with them?"

Aziraphale looked over at you and shook his head. "No, I don't believe so. Why?"

"They're always doing good deeds whenever I see them," Crowley muttered.

"Perhaps they're just a good person."

Crowley nodded in agreement as you continued to pick up any trash that you found. Aziraphale side-eyed his demonic friend and gave a knowing smile. He sat straighter on the bench they were resting on.

"If you're so curious, you should go and talk to them," Aziraphale said.

"Why would I go and do that?"

"Well, you've noticed them on more than one occasion. Which for beings such as us, that is a bit rare. And you have yet to actually look anywhere else since you've noticed them."

Crowley sighed in aggravation knowing that Aziraphale was right. Just as he was about to get off the bench to go and say hello, a child started screaming. You paused in picking up trash and looked to see a child who had faceplanted on the pavement. You quickly started to job over and took off your backpack.

"I have a first-aid kit and have training," you said quickly to the parent. "Is it okay if I treat him?" You motioned to the child that was currently crying. The parent quickly agreed while you took out your first-aid kit, put on some medical gloves, and started treating the skinned knees and a bloody nose. "There, there," you cooed to the kid. "It'll be alright! You're super strong, aren't you! Here, pinch your nose and lean forward with this tissue, okay? Good job! You're doing awesome! Now, we have to kill these germs, okay? It might sting, but let's sing a song."

The child started singing while you quickly wiped his skinned knees with the antiseptic wipes. He grew louder once you wiped it, but he kept on going without too much of a fuss. Once everything was treated, you bid a farewell to the child and the parent before going to throw everything away.

"So do you just carry around a first-aid kit everywhere you go?" Crowley asked while sauntering up to you.

You turned and nodded your head. "Pretty much. I'm clumsy, so more often than not I need it." You got a better look at him and smiled. "I gave you a yellow daisy a while back, didn't I?"

"You remember that?" Crowley stumbled over his words. He felt a blush rise up to his face.

"Mhmm," you hummed. "You kept walking back and forth across the street before you finally worked up the nerve to come and get a flower. After you took it, you tripped over your feet." You laughed lightly at the memory.

"Oh..." Crowley definitely felt shame crawling up his back. He was starting to regret coming over to talk to you. He was just lucky Aziraphale wasn't within earshot.

"Did you like the flower?"

"What? Oh yeah, yeah. I still have it."

"Oh, did you dry it?" you said with a wide smile. "I love drying flowers!"

"Uh..." Crowley trailed off not wanting to say that he just made it so the flower would never die. How would that come off to a human?

"Anyways, it was nice seeing you again. I hope to see you again sometime."

You started to walk away, but paused when Crowley reached out and grabbed your hand. You looked down at the pair of your hands and then back up to where he seemed shocked at what he just did.

"Could I...Could I take you out somewhere?" Crowley swallowed down his fear as he nervously awaited your answer.

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