Falling [Crowley/Reader]

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Request: Can you do headcanons for Crowley x reader?(fem or neutral) and him have been together for a while. But since they helped stop Armageddon they're punished by being turned into a demon. So romantic Crowley x Reader of Crowley comforting them and showing them how to handle the new existence.


You weren't sure what was worse, the pain of falling, with sulfuric acid eating away at your skin, the feeling of God abandoning you, or the fact that you could no longer sense love.

You were a mess after you fell, acute stress disorder to be exact.

You struggled with flashbacks, sudden bursts of intense panic, and just feeling comfortable in your own skin.

Though it's been a little over 6000 years since he's fallen, Crowley knew exactly how it felt.

"The pain will always be there, but it'll get better."

You believed him. How else could you get through this?

He would massage and preen your wings. Wings were always sore after falling.

When you went into a flashback, or something triggered you, he'd help ground you and bring you out of it.

"Do you still love me?" You would ask when things became particularly difficult. You could no longer sense his love.

"Yes, so much." He would kiss away your tears and run his hand through your hair. He'd whisper everything he loved about you. Every little thing that made him love you just a bit more.

Once you had healed enough, he'd show you that being a demon wasn't all that bad, especially when Hell didn't want anything to do with you.

For one, you could be mischevious. It was encouraged. It was fun, too.

Despite angels supposedly being good and demons supposedly being evil, they weren't all that different, really. Angels and demons were basically the same.

But no matter what you were, he'd always be there for you. He'd always love you.

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