Immortal Being Headcanon [Aziraphale/Reader/Crowley]

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Request: Can you do poly headcanons for Aziraphale and Crowley finding out that their s/o has been some sort of immortal creature for a few years? They weren't trying to hide it but they had lost the memory of becoming immortal somehow.


- "What do you mean you don't remember?" Crowley would seethe and start hissing.

- "I don't know? You know you're around for a while, you just forget stuff like that."

- Crowley would make incomprehensible noises, "Oh, yah, uhuh, yah, somethin' just made me fuckin' immortal and yah, ya know, just gonna forget about it, 'right? NO!"

-Aziraphale would just stare at Crowley with the exhausted face of a spouse who has tried to to get their significant other to calm down, but it never works.

-"So you truly are immortal?" Aziraphale would ask. You'd just simply shrug and nod your head. "Any idea of what kind of immortal creature?"

-"A human-shaped one."

-Crowley throws an even bigger hissing fit. He can't believe you don't know how you became immortal or what you even are. I mean, for someone's sake, him and Aziraphale have been around longer than you have and they know what they are - not entirely demonic or angelic beings!

-"Crowley, dear, it's not that big of a deal," Aziraphale would chide.

- "Yes it is! We don't know what their weaknesses are!"

- Aziraphale sighed and shook his head. "At least they are not mortal to the passage of time, Crowley."

- Crowley would then calm down, realizing that you most likely won't go expiring on them. "Yeah." He'd grunt and would feel his eyes returning from pure yellow with a black slit of a pupil to having some white in them again.

- Aziraphale would smile seeing him relax and turn to you. He'd tell you how happy it made him - knowing that you would be able to spend the rest of eternity with both him and Crowley.

-Crowley would grunt in agreement and slither a bit closer to you so that he could easily hold your hand or simply so your shoulders were touching.

- Both of them were truly happy to be with you forever.

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