Song of the Woods: Part 3 [Crowley X Reader]

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The day after Crowley had delivered the antichrist, he wasn't there in the woods. Nor the day after that. Or the day after that. He wasn't ever there. You didn't mind. You knew he was putting an end to the apocalypse. You would wait for him, forever if you had to. It seemed as though you could wait forever, too. It took a few years, but you noticed that time seemed to be frozen around you. You didn't age, not a day.

And all though you hadn't aged a day since you had last seen Crowley, there were still signs of Crowley. A note would be placed on the tree where you met from time to time. It would be short and simple. There were times where he'd tell you he was with the antichrist. Or sometimes, it would only say, "I love you."

You would grow lonely at times. You had missed seeing your serpent love. No matter what snakes would show themselves to you, it wasn't the same. It did help. Though, the squirrels were better at distracting you. They'd run up your leg and onto your shoulder while you hiked around the woods.

In another way to distract yourself, you kept busy and worked various part-time jobs. Though, one of your favorite jobs was being a babysitter for a family. You'd take him to the woods and let him explore all that was around him. Sometimes, the animals would cautiously approach him. Still, they'd never get as close to him as they would you. The boy didn't mind, he was just thrilled to see them. It fed his imagination and allowed him to grow a respect for nature.

One day, you were leading the boy through the woods to your tree. His parents had asked you to take him while they planned a surprise for him. You didn't mind and listened to him talk about his friends at school. Though, your attention soon drifted away from him. You stopped dead in your tracks when you saw it. There was a purple lilac bush in full bloom next to your tree. A sob escaped your lips when you realized it had been eight years since you've last seen Crowley.

"What's wrong?" the boy asked when he heard you crying. He hugged you and told you to not be sad.

"I'm not sad," you whispered and returned the hug. "Well, maybe a little. But I'm also happy."

"What do you mean?" He looked up at you in confusion.

"Emotions can be complicated, but that's a good thing. It's what helps us be human," you began to explain. You took a deep breath and started to describe what you were feeling, "It's been a long time since I've seen someone I love. We met right there." You pointed to the tree. "I always come back to remember him. Sometimes, I'll find notes from him, but I'll never see him. The lilac bush...It's from him."

The boy looked at the flowers and a wide grin spread on his face. "So he's invisible then, right?"

You laughed lightly and wiped away your tears. "Something like that."

"Wow! Imagine if there were just a whole bunch of invisible people, always leaving gifts behind! Say, do you think when we get back to my house, we'll find some gift from invisible people?"

"Maybe!" you hummed. "It is your birthday, after all, Adam."

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